Posted on Dec 10, 2020
To lift an RE-3 Code for APFT, do I have to take the new ACFT or the APFT?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
You can't lift an RE code. It doesn't get changed. You failed to pass your PT test when you separated and you can't change that
The APFT doesn't exist anymore... The ACFT is the fitness test of record.
PFC Dakota Berry
Thanks! I've been out since 2015. Wasn't for sure when the official switch to the ACFT was.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Michael Hasbun - Read the next line - Exception for Soldier's who failed their last record APFT.... It looks to me (and I don't really care - I'm retired :P ) that you are both right. ACFT is the test of record, but anyone who failed their last record APFT still needs to pass a record APFT.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Casey O'Mally - if you actually read the paragraph, it doesn't mention the ACFT implementation at all ;o)
The Army is very temperate when it comes to RE-3. They usually don't come back in. The only time I have seen the Army consider these are when there is a shortage of recruits. This may not be what you want to hear but the Army doesn't want to return a Soldier that failed once back to the Army when there are others that are willing to serve.
PFC Dakota Berry
I just got off the phone with a local Recruiter who said an RE-3 due to APFT was no problem and they'd be happy to get me a waiver.
SSG (Join to see)
PFC Dakota Berry this issue is not the recruiter being willing to send it up; it is the waiver than being approved. However, RE3 do happen, it can be a crap shoot. Do you have any other issues? Also how long did you serve prior?
SSG (Join to see)
PFC Dakota Berry - Well, you may be okay then. Take all your information to the recruiter and just be honest. They are going to want to know, and don't take this the wrong way, if you could not pass a APFT years ago; how is being older and out of the service for so long make you able to pass the ACFT? Be prepared to explain what you have done since then to prepare yourself better this time.
RE 3 waivers do happen, I was able to re-enlist on one, but it took years of back and forth. Mine was for a medical issues, just be honest and patient and I wish you the best of luck.
RE 3 waivers do happen, I was able to re-enlist on one, but it took years of back and forth. Mine was for a medical issues, just be honest and patient and I wish you the best of luck.
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