Posted on Dec 7, 2020
SPC Travis Enlow
My step-son is in the South Dakota Army Guard. He’s been in not even a year yet. He has relocated to where we live in Nebraska and has a 500 mile one way drive for drill. He is also struggling to find gainful employment other than fast food (work is work but he really needs something long term). He really wants to go active duty but his current squad leader isn’t passing the required documents up the chain to see if it can happen. I told him to go to the next link in the chain and explain his situation. I truly believe active duty would be best for him right now, as does he. It’s been 17 years since I was in and I have no experience with National Guard stuff, just wondering if anyone can provide some suggestions. Full disclosure I only have his side of the story, it’s entirely possible there’s more to it. If it matters he’s an 88M E3. Thanks in advance for any insight you all can offer.
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Responses: 8
SFC Retention Operations Nco
It's as you said he just needs to go to the next step above his squad leader. His squad leader doesn't have any say in the process or any input. But if your son doesn't want to do what he has to do, that's all there is to it. Overcoming obstacles is basic adulting, if he's not willing to do it he will eventually when he gets tired of driving 500 miles. You cannot make people do what they need to do
SPC Travis Enlow
SPC Travis Enlow
4 y
Agreed, as his step-father I’ve had an uphill battle with his paternal grandparents his whole life. They want to hand him everything and my wife and I have always wanted him to work for things and understand that actions have consequences. Hopefully he figures it out sooner or later. I appreciate your reply. I’ll tell him to tactfully go to the next link in the chain. Thanks.
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SGM 1st Cav Div Command Career Counselor
That is a lot of driving for weekends drills, but if that is the closest unit he can drill at, he should be getting paid extra for mileage and such. I recommend for him to see a Active Army Recruiter to check on the possibilities of joining the Active Regular Army.
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SGT All Source Intelligence Analyst
His steps should be speak to an Active recruiter for a DD368. Get his Commander to sign it and send it up the chain. For the Reserve it’s the first General in your command. Probably similar General Officer approval for the Guard. However, it not guaranteed they’ll release him. For example, i’ve been told the first GO in my command kicks back 90% of requests to transfer.
SPC Travis Enlow
SPC Travis Enlow
4 y
Thanks for your reply. He has spoken to the AD recruiting, he’s having problems getting the 368 past his squad leader from what I understand.
SGT All Source Intelligence Analyst
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
SPC Travis Enlow
When I attempted a DD368, my First Sergeant let me go straight to her on the matter. Perhaps he should take it to his 1SG if his Squad Leader won’t help him.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
4 y
SPC Travis Enlow - Last time I looked at the 368, it doesn't require a Squad Leader to sign approval or not. This is straight up Commander level. Your son can bypass the Squad Leader and send it directly to the Commander. I would highly recommend, however, when that email is sent, to CC the Squad Leader. Or.....Run it thru the Platoon Leader for access to the Commander.
SPC Travis Enlow
SPC Travis Enlow
4 y
Thanks, I will pass that along to him. I appreciate your response.
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