Posted on Dec 7, 2020
Has anyone requested their past LESs from DFAS? How long did it take?
3 weeks ago I requested all of my past LESs be sent to me and 1 week ago I requested an update on the process. I still haven’t heard anything. How long does it usually take for you to get them?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I have no *good* answer to your question. But I have a caveat. Please remember that we are not in a time of "normal." Asking how long something "usually" takes *may* be irrelevant in the time of COVID. I understand your frustration, and I also understand this answer will likely not serve to assuage said frustration. But almost anything administrative takes longer these days.
You should already be able to pull down your previous LES's in MYPAY. If you don't have access or need additional information I would recommend contacting them directly.

Defense Finance and Accounting Service CivilianEmployees understandingyourcivilianpay LES
The official website of the Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS)
SSgt Christophe Murphy
LTC (Join to see) agreed. That’s where the link with contact info comes in. Wasn’t sure how far back they needed to go so I gave info that will help either way
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