Posted on Dec 5, 2020
SGT(P) Team Leader
Since I have arrived to my unit back in January, I have been trying to convey my concerns about them using 10K straps to secure TRICONs to CROPS, LMTVs and LMTV trailers. I have been told that we were given permission from BN years ago to use them despite the proper procedures IAW the CFR.
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CPT Staff Officer
Point to the Reg's, SOP's, Service Manuals, etc for proper use of 10K straps. If a memo hasn't been published authorizing 10K strap use outside of norm then permission doesn't exist. If such permission was given and published, then I'll bet there are conditions tied to that authorization such as:
1) only when stronger straps are not available
2) double and triple up
3) which equipment it would be authorized to tie down
4) road conditions of transportation
The list could be endless.

Point it out to you proper chain of command (PS, PL, 1SG, Company CO), and then make it visible to your Battalion Safety Officer. Keep that documented because no one wants to be the last person of highest authority holding the bag of crap when an investigation is being conducted because of injury, loss of property or life.

Send your concerns and documentation via Mil.Mail.

If they talk to you off line, in person, or on a phone be sure to follow up such communication with ANOTHER Mil.Mail if only to confirm such a conversation occurred and what was discussed.

Do not delete these e-mails until you are free and clear of the risk associated with the straps (for example, transfer out of the unit).
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
>1 y
I would keep the email for a little longer
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
>1 y
CPT (Join to see)

49 CFR have very few exceptions. Even while on post, if operating a vehicle beyond its designed intent... God forbids something happens; your done! Unless bullets are flying and you’re trying to dodge them, when the safety investigation and the 15-6 are completed so is your career; to say the least.

Had a good friend who got relieved from command and ended up rescinding shortly after an incident involving a military motor vehicle. Something that happened under his watch. Someone has to be blamed. No exceptions!
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Javier Rivera - For e-mails I mean as far as he is covered. Yes, keep them longer in case something happens in 5 years. He wouldn't be involved, but could show it was a known and ignored problem. I guess in that regard there is no time limit.
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
>1 y
Must definitely CPT (Join to see)!
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
It's simple. You show them the regulation and ask to see the WRITTEN and SIGNED exception to policy from the higher headquarters. As others have pointed out, when an accident does eventually happen - and it always does eventually - in the investigation you will be found liable because your job is to stop bad decisions. Of course, everyone else will be held responsible as well, but that's not going to make you feel any better when you end up paying some portion of the damage.

So, what do you do when they ignore your objections? You refuse to do the work without a direct order in writing ordering you to violate laws and regulations.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Not without SERIOUS justification and paperwork from higher ranking brass. However, if YOU know it's wrong...then do the right thing even though others say to use what is wrong. Keep pointing out the regs and standards for your actions.
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