Posted on May 8, 2015
COL Charles Williams
635666877703620184 arm combatives training women 3
This started as question, but since I posted it, the official Army News Release came out.

Good Luck to all the Soldiers who were recycled. I am lucky (yes lucky) I never got hurt, or recycled. Those recycled looked like it was much harder than those of us lucky enough to make it in one fell swoop.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 49
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Charles Williams

Not surprised... Although it is telling that every female was recycled.

Prepare for the arrows to start coming. Blame will be levied on the peer reports and spot reports, which will be purported to be unfair and alleged to be targeting females in an attempt to make them fail.

I was lucky in that I never was recycled. Funny story... Due to my first name being "Jean" (French for "John" -- my mom is French and spelled my name the French way), many thought I was the first female graduate of Ranger School. Got some interesting inquiries shortly after graduation.

I wish these female soldiers all the best and, if they can make it through the course and meet all the requirements, with no degradation, I'll be happy to call them "Ranger".
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
I am concerned, none got dropped, but all were recycled... Seriously?
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
10 y
As long as they are held to the same standards as the males, then I have no issues if they pass. Conversely, I also hope they are not being unfairly scrutinized simply because they are the first women through.
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SGT Dylan Epp
Nineteen women started with Class 6-15, which reported on 19 April and started on 20 April. Of these, only 8 made it out of RAP week.

All 8 failed the Darby phase, and all 8 will be recycled. Of these, 6 were boarded and recycled at battalion level. The last two were boarded and recycled at brigade level.

Some were recycled for peer reports, some were for spot reports, some were for patrols, some for more than one reason. Each had at least two patrols.

The 8 (and the very substantial number of males who also failed Darby) will go to the Gulag tomorrow and retrain until next Friday, when they will join Class 7-15 after it completes RAP/ foot march. Class 7-15 reports on 10 May and starts on 11 May. Scheduled graduation is 10 July.

All understood why they failed and are being recycled. What are your questions?

For a look at previous success rates, look at the link.

Straight from the Ranger assoiation Facebook page.
SGT Dylan Epp
SGT Dylan Epp
10 y
I know CPT (Join to see) I have a feeling they're giving them a second chance so whatever the results may be they'll be able to agrue they were given every chance to pass.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I will say Benning is mind F***. I wouldn't want to go do that one again. It is a bad way to start. I didn't mountains twice but still I was glad to get out of Benning.
1SG David Lopez
1SG David Lopez
10 y
The Gulag is a Russian word for corrective camp and/or labor camp. The recycled students will get further classroom instruction from the Ranger Instructors to better prepare them to pass Ranger School or at least that phase of the course. The recycle students will also do PT, eat, get well needed rest, heal their wounds, some details, and generally prepare to join the next class.
CPT Battalion Training Officer
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Having to do Darby twice is not so bad. It is the easiest of all the FTXs, they let you sleep and eat until you class back up and they leave you be to recover. Additionally you do get classes from the Vaughn's Platoon cadre so you are the area expert in your squad for round 2. But some inserts choose to do nothing in round 2 and those are usually the ones who drop for failing patrols or peers for a second time.
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Sgt Packy Flickinger
Hell, I wish I was in just half that good of shape anymore. I'd be ecstatic to be able to keep up with the worst woman in Ranger school. Time and surgeries have not been kind to this old Devil Dog.
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