Posted on Nov 7, 2020
PFC Motor Transport Operator
Posted in these groups: Elections logo Elections43c0758 Election 2020F79695b9 Joe Biden
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Responses: 166
SSgt Christophe Murphy
Generally the same thing that has happened every time we have a Democrat President. Reduced troop strength, reduced funding, say goodbye to annual increases in DOD salaries, say goodbye to increased VA disability rates, and say goodbye to tax cuts as a start. Just like Obama went after Retired Military benefits don't be surprised if that happens more. Expect VA services to be reduced as well. The DOD and VA will have their budgets reduced so expect that to create a trickle down effect.
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
3 y
Reducing troop strength is the constitutional thing to do. Look at the history of the United States before the "military industrial complex" of post WWII. it was how the Democratic president in the 1990's got head in oral office and balanced the budge t.

" say goodbye to annual increases in DOD salaries, say goodbye to increased VA disability rates, "

Thsi doesn't happen under demcorats, as a matter of fact SSA and VA comepnsation is do for the largets raise they have gotten in a DECADES.

" Just like Obama went after Retired Military benefits don't be surprised if that happens more. "

You have proof of this?

" Expect VA services to be reduced as well. "

Veteran's choice program was reated by Preisdnet Obama.

You need to fill your pie hole with crayons, 'cuase you have no idea what you are talking about.
SFC David Stevens
SFC David Stevens
3 y
But it took Mr. Trump to institute a monthly charge for Tri-care recipients.
MSG Harvey Kane
MSG Harvey Kane
3 y
You mean like the $4Billion cut Trump proposed!
Congress and not the president sets the budget! The President can suggest but not impose a budget.
Trump was a complete disgrace when it came to foreign policy and his selling out of the Afgan government was a stain on US policy!
MSG Harvey Kane
MSG Harvey Kane
3 y
Dorothy Bradberry - What are you talking about? Too much fox and not enough research. Fool
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Right now, it doesn't particularly matter. What is going to happen in the one can tell for certain. Either way, we do our jobs as expected per the Oath we took. We could speculate what POTUS-Elect Biden will do or not do all day long. The fact of the matter is....we have a job to do, so let's just do it.
TSgt Mario Guajardo
TSgt Mario Guajardo
3 y
TSgt Mario Guajardo
TSgt Mario Guajardo
3 y
CPL Gary Dishman your meds may have expired or you may dememte
TSgt Mario Guajardo
TSgt Mario Guajardo
TSgt Mario Guajardo
3 y
MSG Clyde Mills way too much bullshit
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1SG Steven Imerman
$4 a gallon gas, higher income tax due to the repeal of the Trump tax cuts, and being required to wear a mask anywhere and anytime they are out of their quarters.
SSgt Logistics Plans
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Whay don't you just say Army Study Guide instead of a cryptic acronym?
SP5 Larry (Lawrence) Pitman
SP5 Larry (Lawrence) Pitman
3 y
What's the problem with a mask. When I was in (the Army), we had to wear a hat anytime we were outside....and I hate hats. When you and I enlisted (or were drafted), we surrendered nearly every civil right known to the Army. The Army told us when to eat, when to sleep, what to wear, and when to saddle up and head into danger. It irks me no end to see Americans moaning about having to wear a mask. Man up.
CW2 Tom Hasselstrom
CW2 Tom Hasselstrom
3 y
You're so full of it your eyes are brown.

Thre only time we had $4.00 gallon gas was June and July 2008 when GW Bush was President.
MSG Harvey Kane
MSG Harvey Kane
3 y
And just what does any president have to do with the cost of gas? Repeal of Trump's tax cut for the wealthy!!!! What are you talking about? Try doing some research before speaking because your ignorance is showing!
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