Posted on May 6, 2015
SFC Retired
What is your favorite military weapon you've ever used. It can be because of its lethality or just because it made you want get up and yell "MURICA". Keep it within the military arsenal though. It can be anywhere from a K-Bar to an A-10. But you yourself have to have used it or shot it.

My favorite weapon that I have ever used is the M134 Minigun. If you're ever in doubt unload massive amounts of freedom on your enemies.
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Responses: 294
CPT Senior Instructor
Edited 10 y ago
Is there really any other option besides the PT Belt.
SSgt Jeff Kummerow
SSgt Jeff Kummerow
>1 y
Man that’s so true, I wore one for 17years
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
TSgt Andrew Harper - I recall my son saying they had to wear them just when walking around inside the wire, PT or not. Dumb!
I never saw one in person ... and for a time, I guess they used an orange vest that I've seen in pictures. We'd run up the road in fatigues - no reflective gear and never had a problem. Some armchair warrior must have thought such gear was a good idea ... probably have the only mishap in decades of PT runs! LOL Probably not all that bad of an idea ... but in a combat zone? Yeah, not good.
Maj Cyberspace Operations
Maj (Join to see)
>1 y
As an Air Force guy, I always heard these called "flecter belts" by the Army folks I ran into. Always gave me a giggle. We had them in Germany, though, "before dawn and after dusk". I probably still have one somewhere... 15+ years later.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
We called these "Power Ranger" belts. I think that these are the second biggest waste of money that the US Army ever spent.
The first being the upcoming replacing of everything that has a renamed base name on it.
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1SG Frank Boynton
My favorite military weapon while I served was the M14. I was threatened with courts martial if I didn't turn it in while in Vietnam. I finally turned it in on the day I got on the airplane to leave. I used it again when I served on the honor guard detail at Ft. Carson and again with the Army Marksmanship Team.
COL Jon Lopey
COL Jon Lopey
>1 y
1SG: Outstanding choice in fine weaponry as well. I not only qualified twice with the M-14 (once in boot camp and once overseas) I have served over 40-years in law enforcement and still carry the M-14 as my patrol rifle (brand new from federal government). It shoots like a dream. Thank you for your distinguished service! COL L
SPC Woody Bullard
SPC Woody Bullard
6 y
COL Jon Lopey - Thank you COL Lopey.
CSM Thomas Ray
CSM Thomas Ray
5 y
I guess I was one of the last to use the M-14 in basic (Ft. Benning 69), and loved it, thumb well and all, when we were sent to Viet Nam we were issued the M-16 and was not very pleased, other than it was lighter. Didn't fire it again until Ft. Hood on the 5th Army rifle team and later with the National Guard rifle team. It definitely was my pick for an Infantry rifle.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
Yep, I heard from two brothers-in-law who were Army that they could only draw a weapon for patrol or if their base was being attacked. WHAT?!?! In the Marines, iit was an offense to be caught withOUT your sidearm (Corpsman) and/or M-16 which I also had. We were NEVER allowed to be unarmed. At the DaNang PX that I got to once or twice, I *THINK* I recall having to remove the magazines. Otherwise, we were locked & loaded at all times.
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SSgt Dan Montague
I would have to say the ma deuce.
LTC Dick Bulova
LTC Dick Bulova
5 y
I was Infantry, active and reserves, 1956-1990 and never hear "ma deuce". It was simply the ".50 caliber" . Maybe it was different in USMC? They were fun to shoot though.
CSM Thomas Ray
CSM Thomas Ray
5 y
My baby to, that's me up top
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