Posted on Oct 29, 2020
SGT Internment/Resettlement Specialist
I'm an E-4 in the 31E MOS and got put on orders to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I re-enlisted in September 2019 for 3 years with 18 months stability. My stability is over in March 2021 and they put on orders to Cuba set to report in May 2021. I've already tried submitting a 4187 to cancel them, but that didn't work. I talked to my Career Counselor and he said he'll call branch, but I haven't heard back from him yet.

I re-enlisted for stability to stay here, finish my bachelor's degree, run my business and transition out once my contract is up. Not to PCS to Cuba. I know I sound selfish and please don't say "that's just how the Army works". I've heard it all. I'm going to college and started a welding business that is doing great. I did all this before knowing about these orders and I know the Army won't care, but I've been with my fiancee for 2 years now and we're planning on getting married soon. So a PCS isn't really in the cards for me.

Please, can someone here give me some decent guidance how to cancel or get out of these orders? I've tried decking them, but was told I have too much time left on my contract (ETS = September 2022). I do not care about ruining my career or future with the Army because I'm getting out 110% in 2022. I just want to stay here, get married, graduate college and grow my business for when I get out and I'll do basically anything at this point.

Thanks, RP!
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Responses: 64
SGT Christopher Hayden
Sounds like the Army held up their end of the bargain, but you don't want to hold up yours. It's great that you're working on a degree and have a business, but your oath and duty is to the Army...not your welding business. If everyone got out of orders because they had other shit going on, the Army would never be able to fill slots.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You reenlisted for 18 months of stabilization and received. You can't decline to PCS you can only decline to reenlist for the assignment. Since you don't have to reenlist for the assignment that doesn't apply.

You will comply with your PCS orders or you will be reported AWOL
CPL Joseph Elinger
CPL Joseph Elinger
4 y
True. I got my next assignment info BEFORE my ETS. I chose accordingly..
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MAJ Javier Rivera
Edited 4 y ago
So, let me get this straight!

You re-enlisted, got what you wanted (18 months stabilization), and then when it was time to do your part of the bargain like any other service member has done for the last 244 years (even if it feels Fustian to you) you wanted to back pedal? How professional of you?

Anyway, tell your career counselor you would like to sign a DA 4991 Declination Statement!
1SG Rick Seekman
1SG Rick Seekman
4 y
You nailed it Sir..
GySgt David Weihausen
GySgt David Weihausen
4 y
Here's what I heard....
S igned
M other-f'n
R eenlistmeant deal,
Y es?

Then enjoy your all-expenses-paid trip to Cuba big boy!
Sgt Ken Crouse
Sgt Ken Crouse
4 y
GySgt David Weihausen - well said, Gunny. Wonder what would’ve happened if I tried that when I received orders to Asmara, Ethiopia during the early days of the civil war Eritrea was fighting with Ethiopia... six Marines, six State Dept folks and some Navy comm guys - that was all the ‘mericans for >600 miles... Cuba actually sounds like good duty... s/f
Capt Robert Vincelette
Capt Robert Vincelette
>1 y
You need to consider how many months will pass before you finish your last semester because of your PCS. You should be able to work with some of your professors to take final exams in as many courses as you can if your PCS is a few weeks before the semester ends. I worked as a visiting professor a few years ago and if I had a student needing to take a final exam early for military service reasons I would have considered it honorable to give the student extra tutoring and opportunity to do homework ahead of schedule as mostly only military students have the self-discipline to do because I was once in the military. You may be able to take a few more courses online from your school while you are stationed in Cuba. You can always finish up in a final semester after your contract ends.
If someday you do graduate school and ever teach, all I can say is, unlike typical high school graduates who play video games on their cell phones during lectures and cheat on tests and never turn in their assignments till the last microsecond, you get any military students in your class and you will be spoiled.
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