Posted on May 6, 2015
CPT Company Commander
Westboro baptist church
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Religious Disparity

As of late we have seen terrorist acts on US soil. The suspects were of a particular faith that has so often came under attack as a whole. We are at war with extremists and ideologists. Do they speck for everyone of their faith? So often people come out and bashed a faith for the acts of some.
Let’s look at the objectivity of this. Some defend the ones that are blatantly curse and damning a faith if the faith is bashing is not Christianity.
There have been so many times there were attack on the US and the faith of the individuals really never came into question or they were brushed off simply being a fringe group. So prominent in this are the Westboro Baptist Church. Has anyone said that those Christians are crazy? They protested the funeral of US Soldiers killed in combat. How low is that? But now says that. Did anyone blame Christianity for the Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre? If they did I didn’t hear it. Even on a larger scale was the Centennial Olympic Park bombing and the Centennial Olympic Park bombing. When some blamed the military Timothy McVeigh being a soldier in his past we all immediately distanced him from the military and only held him responsible. Did anyone blame his faith? It was the biggest domestic terrorist attack in the US.
I can’t recall any of the attack on abortion clinics that wasn’t led by a Christian. But I don’t blame Christians. That is just foolish to me.
Worse yet, do we do this with ethic groups? Do we blame a whole race for the actions of some. The US did this. I hope we can all agree that they Japanese Internment Camps were wrong. How is locking up every person of Japanese descent for the actions of the Japanese Empire going to help the war effort? Is this similar to what we are doing today?
I work with Muslims everyday. There are Islamic soldiers in the US Military. Are they terrorists too.
If they are then Cpl. Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, Spec. Rasheed Sahib, Maj. James Ahearn, Cpt. Humayun Khan must all be terrorist then right. Regardless that they all died wearing the US Army uniform in Iraq as Soldiers. But should we trust them? They were Muslims. Should we question them of their faith or should we treat all groups equally and go after the terrorists and not another.
Posted in these groups: World religions 2 ReligionTolerance logo ToleranceHebrews 11.1 Faith
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Responses: 17
Capt Air Weapons Officer / Chief Operations Readiness
There are radicals in every sect of religion. I agree with Cpl Neely - the majority of people do not believe that ever Muslim is a radical killer, nor do they believe that every Christian is an extreme protestor like the Westboro folks. People are crazy and do crazy things either because they feel like their religion wants them to, or in spite of what their claimed religion believes. And not every terrorist is linked to a religion. Judgement should be made on an individual basis based on an individuals actions.
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CH (MAJ) William Beaver
"Westboro Baptist: masking our own twisted psychosis through protesting since 1980."
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TSgt Christopher D.
Except in instances where people are mentally ill (not drunk or high on drugs by choice), people are responsible for their actions. I don't care if someone says God told them to shoot up the abortion clinic, or if someone says Allah told them to plant the IED. All-powerful beings, by definition should not require the assistance or effort of human beings. People CHOOSE to do the good and bad they do, so individuals are responsible for their actions.

What you don't find in the US are the stories of militant Christians in Africa slaughtering Muslims... but it happens. I wish people would quit using their faith as an excuse or justification for committing atrocities.
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