Posted on May 6, 2015
CPT Logistics Planner Bde Plex Team
If you were branch detailed, what were your experiences both good, bad, and ugly?

I was commissioned into the Quartermaster Corps, but was branch detailed into the Field Artillery for almost four years. Over the years many have told me I am behind my fellow Logistics peers. Others, however, feel that my time in the field artillery gained me a better understanding of the combat arms.
Looking back over the years, I would not change my branch detail to the Field Artillery. As a logistician I have a deeper understanding for the needs of the combat arms, "having been there done that." I have a greater sense of urgency when a supply request is made, I can better anticipate their needs, but I can also see if a bogus request is made.

If you were branch detailed, what were your experiences both good, bad, and ugly?
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Responses: 1
LTC Stephen C.
Edited 10 y ago
CPT (Join to see), I was branched Signal Corps and that was my only basic branch for my entire career. I served as a detailed Deputy Inspector General for four years as a major. I was promoted and rolled right into another branch material duty assignment, so I like to think it was not a career deterrent. On the other hand, I never got an O-5 command and didn't make O-6, so who knows? It's too late for me to wonder about it now, but that's how a detailed assignment worked for me. BTW, as I look at your question, maybe a detailed IG doesn't really meet the requirements of your question.
CPT Logistics Planner Bde Plex Team
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Sir, thanks for your comments. I would like to think that most experiences should help our careers in one way or another.
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