Posted on Oct 20, 2020
Has COVID-19 effected the length of Airborne School?
I will be attending Airborne School in the near future. Has COVID-19 effected the length of the school with having to quarantine and all? I’ve heard it has but want to confirm.
Has anyone gone through recently that can answer this?
Has anyone gone through recently that can answer this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
As of late, the Army has been tacking on two additional weeks to every school regardless of the actual school length. This is for quarantine.
The length of the course is still the same. But students are required to quarantine 14 days prior to course start. It can be at home station and then you have to travel in a sterile environment, or you can request to quarantine there at Camp Roberts. If you quarantine prior you will need a memo signed by a general stating you met all the requirements. If you want to quarantine there you'll need a request from your general asking for available space to use the barracks at Roberts. The information is on the Ranger School website.
Covid 19 has not affected length of time a school is. It has affected the length of time at a duty assignment for a school. IE Your contract calls for your basic at one location, your airborne at one location and your AIT at another. You will arrive at each of these and be in quarantine 14 days prior to attending each school house. You are not "training" during his 2 week period. You are in quarantine marking time until your class can actually be cleared to start.
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