Posted on May 4, 2015
TSgt Christopher D.
I was leaving a professional networking meeting in Katy, TX today and saw a gentleman in the median holding a cardboard sign that said something like this:

"Army Veteran wounded in Iraq
MOS (whatever it was) Stationed at Ft. Carson CO (Unit info)
Waiting on Disability to be approved
Cannot work due to injury. PLEASE help me feed my children.
Thank you and God bless."

I didn't have any cash on me, so I gave him my card, pointed out my cell phone number, identified myself as an Air Force retiree. I told him I would help put him in touch with resources available to him as a vet. That was 7 hours ago and no call yet.

I have taken vets on the street to get a meal, listened to their stories and tried to point them toward resources that could help. I offered to drive more than a couple to shelters for vets, but have never gotten anyone to take me up on this offer.

It appears that DC only cares about vets when it is politically expedient. Some charities for vets have become a PR tool for some celebrities and artists, but aren't doing as well for vets as they once were (despite increasing donations). What do we do, brothers and sisters? I can't tell you how bad this is stuck in my crawl.
Posted in these groups: Vietnam 20veteran HomelessImagescaylm8cd Disability
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Responses: 18
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
1st reaction is it wrenches my gut
2nd reaction is that he is probably a scamer / poser

That's why I always carry a pile of VFW contact cards and hand one out.
If the Service Officer finds the persons truthful and needy they will be fed, sheltered and helped.
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CPT Zachary Brooks
Makes me the people who put them in a situation to put them there.

Either a lack of mentorship and training during service, bad veteran programs, not enough assistance, etc.

Sure there are likely a few that did it to themselves, but I try to sympathize. As my mother always says: "There but by the grace of God go we."
TSgt Christopher D.
TSgt Christopher D.
>1 y
It irks me to death. But let me illustrate something to you.

Since I've retired, the only people to contact me and ask me how life is treating me after retirement etc have been the subordinates I had. Not one of the NCOs senior to me or the officers I worked for have sent an email, made a call or even sent a message on Facebook to see how I'm doing.

I get it. They're busy. I was busy, too but I managed to follow up with my subordinates when they separated. I'm not special for this. I was simply treating people as I hoped I would be treated.

Lack of mentorship, lack of follow-up, and I hate to say it, it is as though there is a complete lack of caring once a person takes the uniform off, unless you're doing something for them. I hope others are having a much better experience once they separate.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
>1 y
I hear you loud and clear. But I would not expect the folks that are still in to really give much of a rodents 4th point of contact for the folks that are out. Check out you local American Legion of VFW if you are looking for people that care. We know what a hard row to hoe it can be and we really do care.
TSgt Christopher D.
TSgt Christopher D.
>1 y
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.

My American Legion chapter doesn't do much. At all. I've been a member since October last. No emails, no calls (not even asking for more money), and no one responds to my emails, and no one answers the phone or returns messages. THAT shit has to change. If I have to be the one to change it, then so be it.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
>1 y
The AL and VFW have different charters. AL is a "fraternal" organization and VFW is "service" organization (at least that's how my Post Commander explains it to me). My AL post puts up and Honor Guard and that's about. My VFW has three service officers and another guy that just does homeless outreach.
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SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
Folks ..
Roll by your local VFW.
Pick up a pile of contact cards.
Hand them out to these folks.
If these people are really in need they can find help there.
You will have done something meaningful and you won't have to agonize about being ripped off.
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