Posted on Oct 17, 2020
Is the Black fleece jacket still authorized outerwear?
Ok so when I joined back in 2011 the older soldiers had a black fleece jacket. Per DA Pam 670-1 2015 the black fleece was still authorized for field wear. Then in 2017 is says just the ECWCS gen 3 fleece jacket is authorized without specifying color. I’ve been told by multiple higher ups that is out of regs and is past it’s wear out date. Is this true? And if so can someone show me resources?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
You're going to have to check the HRC ALARACT library for that specific one. But, I haven't seen anyone wear that color fleece in years. But one of the key phrases you will probably run into is "UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMANDER"
SFC Steven Borders
I just saw a NG SM wear one on Friday. It blew my mind lol haven't seen one of those in years.
SGT (Join to see)
I thought it was a commanders discretion kind of thing. I’ll check the alaract. Thank you for the info
It's authorized. Here is Army G-1's current guidance:
"The black fleece is currently authorized for wear as an outer garment unless restricted by the Commander IAW DA Pam 670-1, paragraph 4-7c. Please check with your Commander’s uniform policy (usually written at the installation level or lower in a policy letter) for restrictions due to reasons such as safety or having other issued gear more suitable for wear.
This item does not currently have a wear out date because it is an OCIE (Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment) item. However, Commanders may direct Soldiers to wear better suited OCIE-issued items in lieu of the black fleece."
"The black fleece is currently authorized for wear as an outer garment unless restricted by the Commander IAW DA Pam 670-1, paragraph 4-7c. Please check with your Commander’s uniform policy (usually written at the installation level or lower in a policy letter) for restrictions due to reasons such as safety or having other issued gear more suitable for wear.
This item does not currently have a wear out date because it is an OCIE (Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment) item. However, Commanders may direct Soldiers to wear better suited OCIE-issued items in lieu of the black fleece."
SGT (Join to see)
Appreciate it! Thank you for the info. I’ll look that up myself to show leadership. Commander says it’s fine with him and loves how it looks compared to coyote. But wanted to make sure it was authorized. Thanks again
The black fleece is NOT the ECWCS GEN 3 Fleece, therefore it is not authorized.
SGT (Join to see)
Actually the ECWCS GEN 3 fleece does come in all three colors (brown, green, black) if you buy it yourself. The old school one was not the gen 3. So you are correct there. Thank you
SFC Michael Hasbun
It just has to be issued ECWCS, not specifically GEN 3, to be authorized. Many locations are still rocking GEN 1 and 2 at their CIF's and RFI's.
Per Army G-1:
"The black fleece is currently authorized for wear as an outer garment unless restricted by the Commander IAW DA Pam 670-1, paragraph 4-7c. Please check with your Commander’s uniform policy (usually written at the installation level or lower in a policy letter) for restrictions due to reasons such as safety or having other issued gear more suitable for wear.
This item does not currently have a wear out date because it is an OCIE (Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment) item. However, Commanders may direct Soldiers to wear better suited OCIE-issued items in lieu of the black fleece."
Per Army G-1:
"The black fleece is currently authorized for wear as an outer garment unless restricted by the Commander IAW DA Pam 670-1, paragraph 4-7c. Please check with your Commander’s uniform policy (usually written at the installation level or lower in a policy letter) for restrictions due to reasons such as safety or having other issued gear more suitable for wear.
This item does not currently have a wear out date because it is an OCIE (Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment) item. However, Commanders may direct Soldiers to wear better suited OCIE-issued items in lieu of the black fleece."
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