Posted on Oct 12, 2020
What makes being a Army 35L counterintelligence agent MOS exciting?
Hi. I’ve been looking into intel jobs for the Army and 35L counterintelligence sounds very interesting. Besides the report writing that comes with this job, what else makes being a 35L in the army exciting? Appreciate any answers I receive. Thank you
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I will error on the side of caution about addressing key points of the job considering the nature of this forum. My recommendation to you would be go find the local 902nd MI Field Office near you and have that conversation with those folks. The CI Agents in those FOs are on investigative status and are use to fielding questions and doing CI candidate packets. They are not the only ones, so if you have CI Agents in your unit hit him or her up to. The more perspectives you can get the better informed you will be should you opt to submit your packet.
First off, it is not entry level. You have to be in service and at least E4(P). All 35Ls are at least E5's
The promotion point threshold for both primary and secondary for SSG is 798 points.
The promotion point threshold for both primary and secondary for SSG is 798 points.
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I guess technically it is. I wonder if a recruiter will find an entry slot for an E5 35L needing a TS/SCI who still has to go through then entirety of TRADOC and then the 35L course.
The actual application links on the page need CAC access. One link works, with simple CAC access but the other apparently needs to be done through an Army network office computer or one with ARNET access.
I guess technically it is. I wonder if a recruiter will find an entry slot for an E5 35L needing a TS/SCI who still has to go through then entirety of TRADOC and then the 35L course.
The actual application links on the page need CAC access. One link works, with simple CAC access but the other apparently needs to be done through an Army network office computer or one with ARNET access.

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It's been entry level for over a year now.
I had a friend who was a CIC agent back when they were 97 series at Fort Bragg. He got an allowance to buy hippie type civilian clothes, an unmarked Ford Maverick and a Colt Cobra, probably get a semi-auto today. He worked the bars on Hay Street looking for SAEDA. Had to fight off the B-girls. LOL He really enjoyed it!
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