Posted on Oct 7, 2020
SPC Josh Tharp
As I am plotting my long term goals, certainly full time with the National Guard falls into those plans. I am trying to gather as much information as I can given two different paths.

To date, it appears there are significant differences in pay, allowances, insurance, promotion and duties based on what I read. But how is it in reality? What advice, experience, etc. do people have? What swayed you applying one way or another?

Thanks in advance
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Responses: 3
CW5 Jack Cardwell
I have been both. Seems you have weigh3 the pros and cons. Depending on your unit, you may be putting in a lot of time. If you retire at 20 years you will probably for another job
Tech side 40 hour week. Pay can be good depending on your career field. You can build Tech and military retirements. Longevity also better on the Tech side. Often on the ARG side upward mobility can be limited. In the long term the Tech program benefited me.
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
Tech Pros:
federal employment (you are eligible for other tech or regular federal jobs hiring current)
no overtime: you must go home at 1630 or whatever the 8 hour day is
does not hold back your MDAY advancement, your tech position has nothing to do with your MDAY assignment or promotions
Regular step advancements and cash bonuses
FERS retirement
You can mob with your unit or any unit taking volunteers, your tech job is guaranteed
Tech cons:
mostly limited to HR, surface maintenance and aviation maintenance

AGR pros:
You sort of do your MDAY job fulltime
Tricare Prime
active duty retirement (not bad for most states other than CA and NY)
Opportunity for T10 AGR at NGB
You can only mob with your assigned unit
AGR cons
if you think you hate overtime now, wait till you're AGR
promotions limited to AGR allocations, if you are in a small or medium state, there might be 10-15 E8 AGR positions, and maybe 1 is your MOS or an 00F that will take your MOS. You will likely retire as an E7, possibly as an E6 at your RCP. If you don't already hold 42A or 92Y as a secondary MOS, you should seriously consider getting one of those and taking at least one of those jobs to increase promotability.
If you want to mob with another unit, you might have to resign AGR with no guarantee of rehire when you get back
SPC Josh Tharp
SPC Josh Tharp
>1 y
SGM Jeff Mccloud Thank you for such a detailed response!

Do techs get education benefits like National Guard or AGR troops? Are moves treated like a PCS? Do techs move frequently like AD or AGR might?

I was referred via USAJOBS for a tech position in SC and trying to understand better what that really means and what a tech position would change about my current enlistment.
SGM Jeff Mccloud
SGM Jeff Mccloud
>1 y
You will have all the same civ ed benefits as an MDAY, which includes one more than what AGRs are eligible for (state tuition assistance).
Some tech jobs pay for your move, most do not.
Tech jobs are permanent, you don't move to a new job unless you apply for and get accepted for it.
AGR moves are when you apply for a lateral transfer or accept an AGR promotion, those come with PCS moves if over 50 miles.
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SFC Steven Borders
You could always come over to the Reserve side of the house and be a MIL Tech or AGR as well. Mr. Borders doesn't make as much as SSG Borders but I still make pretty good money for the Spokane Area. I actually enjoy being a MIL Tech only gripe is that it requires the Reserves.
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