Posted on Oct 2, 2020
Does anyone have any tips for 68K AIT? Prior services, reserves?
I’m going to the reserves as a 68K. What should I expect as prior service? Where’s phase 1 and phase 2? How’s the schedule?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
You will be housed in the Prior Service Barracks (if they still have them and where they are at I don't remember). You will do PRT and POI with the IETs, but otherwise will be told not to associate with them outside of those times. You will not be allowed to correct them for any infractions they may do. And, being TRADOC, you will not be able to consume alcohol (last I knew anyway). Phase 1 will be at JBSA (Joint Base San Antonio). I can't remember the Training BN you will be in, though it won't be 232nd as that is where the Medics To Be go. Where Phase 2 for you will be, unknown. And, depending on your Cadre, they may not care what you do in your own time (as long as you don't do anything stupid) just as long as you make it to where you need to be when you need to be there.
SFC Livingston is correct. To add to that, that are several options for phase 2 (depending on what is available). Your phase 2 will be which ever location is closest to your reserve unit. Phase 1 will be lots of studying, day and night and weekends too. Good luck, you will need it.
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