Posted on Feb 24, 2014
SFC Analyst
Originally trained as a 97B, then on transition back to the US in late 99 reclassed as a 97B. Been in the DC/NVA/MD area since late 2003 supporting several of the federal agencies. On active duty between 2001-2003, and again in 2005. Recently volunteered for a tour in AFG. Occupied a MISO position at the JOC in Bagram for six months. Civilian education includes an AA, BA, MAEd, and a Master Certificate from DIU in strategic CI. Trained and experienced in cyber intrusions.
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Responses: 3
SFC Stephen P.
Edited >1 y ago
Since you are Retired Reserve (and not separated) there is hope. You will first need to convince HRC (888-Army HRC) to reassign you to the IRR, and from there you can transfer to a TPU fairly easy (provided you are otherwise qualified).

Get in touch with a local career counselor (SFC Menifee, [login to see] ); we can provide a good deal of assistance.

I give you fair warning, Retired Reserve to TPU is a long, and painful process with inconsistent results. The last soldier I worked with just gave up after about 2 years, but some get switched over in a matter of months.

Expect even more difficulty if you're looking at IMA.
SFC Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Pate your information is appreciated. However, painful, and inconsistent certainly doesn't sound good. I was originally trained as a 67N, made a mistake above and said 97B, but did reclass to 97B. I will plan to give the SFC a call as early as tomorrow. I was a DIMA and attached to USARJ and a civil affairs unit for a number of years between 89 to 99 at Camp Zama. At present I've recently gone back to supporting the DoA as a MICECP and currently occupy a position at Ft. Meade. I had been given a POC at the MIRC and their response was you are retired, and we don't have positions for NCO's. It has been a number of senior NCOs and a few officers that I have worked with at several of the agencies that have suggested as getting back into the reserves.
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SFC James Baber
I applaud your accomplishments, but I thought once retired you were done couldn't come back, I recently responded to a forum post mentioning looking for members transitioning from AD to the reserves and them looking for quality mid-rang/senior NCOs, and was told by the recruiter who is a RP member that retirees are not able to apply, so I would assume that means all retirees to include reserve, NG, and AD.
SFC Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks…I have heard the same. However, I had recently read that a reserve unit can do a by-name request, even from retired reserve to fill the hard-to-fill type positions. I have yet to confirm nor deny if the later is correct.
SFC James Baber
SFC James Baber
>1 y
If you can verify something like that post it here on RP, I am sure there are plenty of retirees that would step right up to continue serving to help their junior counterparts.
SFC Stephen P.
SFC Stephen P.
>1 y
SFC Baber, retired reserve is not exactly retired. The distinction in this case does matter.
SFC Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
As of a month ago I'm back in.
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
MICECP should be the best help to get back into the USAR...if it is possible. You may be aged out and can not be rejoined.
SFC Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
They weren't any help. It was a few seniors who talked me to getting back in...and for as many folks that said it couldn't be done...well I'm back in. Took some time due to the Army, and they way they conduct business, but I had orders to the IRR, and very recently orders to the TPU. So, it's done...I attend the 1st BA in a few weeks.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
>1 y
Lesson learned....NOTHING in the Army is impossible. Especially in MI. !!
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