Posted on Sep 12, 2020
What's a good school for nursing pre-req courses that I can use TA for?
I'm trying to finish all the nursing pre-req courses before applying for nursing school. I also want to use TA for the courses if possible. I already have a bachelor degree in business administration. Thank you in advance.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
It really just depends on the prerequisites of the nursing school you are going to; every nursing school is going to have slightly different prerequisites. Any regionally accredited school will work
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I agree with SFC (Join to see) , you should also see if there is one that has a program to help you fast track so can get it done faster.
Any regionally accredited school will work. Community colleges are usually the cheapest, followed by state universities, then private universities. Some 4-year universities have programs where you complete your first 2 years in a "pre-nursing" program, and then you can roll right into the nursing major courses for the final two years of a BSN program. Look into CLEP, DSST testing to knock out some of the gen eds and elective hours. There are a million and one ways to become a nurse.
One other thing I learned the hard way... for every level of nursing education you wish to complete. You will need to provide ALL of your previous transcripts. I recommend that once you start your pre-reqs somewhere, that you continue with that school (unless there is a good reason to go elsewhere). I had to request 4 different transcripts for my BSN, 5 for my masters and post-grad certificate, then 6 for my doctorate. It becomes a real pain to try coordinating all of them for applications after awhile.
One other thing I learned the hard way... for every level of nursing education you wish to complete. You will need to provide ALL of your previous transcripts. I recommend that once you start your pre-reqs somewhere, that you continue with that school (unless there is a good reason to go elsewhere). I had to request 4 different transcripts for my BSN, 5 for my masters and post-grad certificate, then 6 for my doctorate. It becomes a real pain to try coordinating all of them for applications after awhile.
CPT (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) - No prob. If you have any more questions about the process, I've been going through it over the last 6 or 7 years, so feel free to message me on here or send a message to my .mil email. Good luck!
Try Marian University (Indianapolis) online. They have a nursing pre-reqs track, I used it & it was great. I finished all my pre-reqs in two summer semesters & was able to get into school. FYI.. Typically you cannot use your TA to take classes at the same level you already have a degree in, but you can get a memo from the nursing school you intend to apply to laying out the pre-read that you need & they’ll typically waive that policy & pay for those courses.
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