Posted on Apr 29, 2015
SGT Anthony Rossi
The question is NOT are women good enough to fight along side men? We all know there are some realy tough Women in our ranks.
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Responses: 16
LTC Yinon Weiss
You can ask the same question about any group of people. How would placing people from northwest Kansas (for example) increase the strength of the military? How would placing people who happen to be 5'6" increase the strength of the military? How is adding a given minority group strengthening the military? The military is strengthened by letting the best people do the job. I don't think it matters who it is. If they meet the standards and are qualified, why hold them back because of your personal bias for who you prefer?
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
10 y
MSG Steve Howell - It doesn't really matter what I think a woman can do. Give the Soldier their tasks and standards, and let them show you themselves what they can and cannot do. The only reason to ban women from even trying, is if you think that they can make it but you still choose to hold them back. If you don't think they can make it, why would you be afraid to let them compete under the same standards?
SGT Anthony Bussing
SGT Anthony Bussing
10 y
i personally feel that if a soldier can pass the muster regardless of age, gender etc...they should do the, the females who passed the US Marine SoI...went through the same school as male grunts...and passed...but are now working in an entirely different MOS...seems kinda bogus...these Marines went, exceeded the standard and, instead of sending them to a rifle unit...we send them BACK to another school where they learn how to type and file...seems like a waste of money...but, if you can prove that you belong, then they should let you serve...that said...not everyone is cut out for combat arms...male OR female...when I was in the Corps, I was a tank crewman on both the M60 A1 and the M1A1 MBTs...there are just some jobs that are too physically demanding for some people...I know male Marines who couldnt cut the mustard in, it isnt a case of "men are better tem women"...but rapid firing those main gun rounds can get pretty damn heavy...or fixing broken torsion bars with a slap hammer...
1SG David Lopez
1SG David Lopez
10 y
Any person, Male or Female, that wants to accomplish something, will do so without a doubt.
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MSG Morgan Fiszel, CPCM, CFCM
Additional talent to pull from. I have met some females that were much better leaders than some of the male leaders I have had. Instead of having 4 dudes to chose from, now you have 4 dudes and a female (5). Let the best leader lead.
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
10 y
Solid answer! I shared this answer with my wife who is a veteran as well. She responded. "The only reason we would want women in combat rolls is because the men of America are not as strong as they used to be." So in short Women can increase combat strength because there are not enough qualified men to fill correct?
MSG Morgan Fiszel, CPCM, CFCM
MSG Morgan Fiszel, CPCM, CFCM
10 y
No. They would not increase strength solely because of an increase in numbers. They would increase strength because some females are better than some males. Look at it this way, as with any business or industry, more competition is better.
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
10 y
One thing though; and yes I agree it a arrogant point of view. I don't think I would have joined the Army had women been in combat position back in 1993. I would have "felt" that the Army is to soft. I'm not saying that my opinion would have been right either? I'm just notice every time we make our military "appear" softer less real soldiers want anything to do with it. I really believe that allowing women into combat weakens it psycologicaly. I see it in the sports world in California. They slow women into highschool wrestling, and it demorilizes the sport. I watch a young boy win a match against a girl and he just looked like depressed as she hobbled off the mat. Something agree just not progress. Forgive me but I think this is a really bad idea. Respectfully Sgt. (Pastor) Rosssi
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SGT Jeremiah B.
It's the wrong question as it requires assumptions. The question is really how would disallowing anyone capable of meeting the standards and doing the job increase combat strength? The answer is "It wouldn't."
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
10 y
Not intirely true, because intellectual honest has to take into the account both the psycological difference in women as well as physical differences which will have an affect on the social dynamics of the unit.
Both my wife and I were soldiers and we have discussed this in length. She will tell you women are different then men and that can not be denied. So the question is valid. How will this affect combat strength?
SPC Angel Guma
SPC Angel Guma
10 y
They are betting that physical strength won't be as much of a factor in the long term. Its probably not as out of the box as you may suppose. Everyone is capable of unleashing more firepower in terms of rounds, explosives, range, and we have continually improving night optics. So even a 130 lbs female soldier today can inflict markedly more damage and send far more firepower downrange than a male soldier could in top physical shape in prior wars. Those who make these decisions really aren't looking at these things in terms of how much gear can a female lug around today, and can they haul the same load a 21 year old infantryman could in his prime, they are thinking, 20 years from now, can a 130 pound female pull a trigger, if yes, will the damage sent the other way be as catastrophic if not more so to the enemy than what the 21 year old infantryman can do now. If yes, allowing females into combat positions simply means adding more bodies with more trigger fingers in coming wars.
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