Posted on Apr 29, 2015
When someone checks "I disagree" on their counseling statement, what exactly does it mean?
maybe someone knows the right answer to this question and if you do can you back it up. Question is when you counsel someone and the check disagree with the counsling... What does that mean? Do they have to do the plan of action? What is your next step? Now what do you do the soldier?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
The Soldier being Counseled is disagreeing with anything that is incorrect on the counseling statement:
Content, plan of action, leader responsibilities, key points of discussion, or any mistakes that may be contained in the administrative portion.
If the Soldier disagrees they are disagreeing with anything in the counseling that they have an issue with.
Put it in writting for example: The Soldier disagreed with the counseling and refused the opportunity to prepare a written statement. Also let the Soldier know that their disagreement will not prevent the execution of the plan of action and the information discussed during this counseling session.
Content, plan of action, leader responsibilities, key points of discussion, or any mistakes that may be contained in the administrative portion.
If the Soldier disagrees they are disagreeing with anything in the counseling that they have an issue with.
Put it in writting for example: The Soldier disagreed with the counseling and refused the opportunity to prepare a written statement. Also let the Soldier know that their disagreement will not prevent the execution of the plan of action and the information discussed during this counseling session.
It literally means nothing. It means that they disagree that they were not counseled on what was written or their name is wrong.
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