Posted on Sep 1, 2020
SGT Bradley Dixon
Are promotions from PFC to SPC automatic as they are for all other ranks in the Army, or is there a requirement that differs from the Active Duty side. I have a buddy in my unit who has met all the TIS/TIG to automatically promote, he is green in all categories and our command is not promoting him. Please help, I dont want a promotion held over my head either.
Posted in these groups: D3fe61e5 Army Reserve ElementsStar Promotions
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Responses: 6
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If he is GREEN across the board...the only question left to ask is why the Commander hasn't signed a 4187 to advance them to SPC.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
E1-E4 poof.................. company level 4187............ APFT being the largest flagging issue. Folks should be coasting now with CV19. Behooves one to pass the APFT because you never know what's going to happen with promotion/school requirements in a pinch.
SFC Steven Borders
SFC Steven Borders
>1 y
SGT Bradley Dixon I second what MSG (Join to see) stated. Bring this up through his FLL, then Squad Leader, PLT SGT ext..... Because if you have a passing APFT and is current FY20 then their should be no issue.
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Steven Borders - If the Company of Battalion won't help, the next step is the IG. If the Soldier passed the APFT and is not otherwise flagged, there is no reason why s/he should not be advanced in rank. This is a clear-cut violation of regulations.
SGT Bradley Dixon
SGT Bradley Dixon
2 y
Thanks everyone! He got promoted that weekend.
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SSG Brian G.
Edited >1 y ago
Nope. They are not automatic. At all. Promotion is not and never was automatic. Not on AD and certainly not in AR or NG. There are TIG and TIS requirements for each grade to reach a minimal window where a SM can be promoted but to promote that always requires command initiation. The commander had to put them in for promotion to the next E grade.

There is nothing saying that a commander has to promote a soldier that reaches the minimal TIG/TIS window, only that they can. He needs to get with his next line supervisor and start inquiring.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
>1 y
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - The commander still has to sign off on the promotion. That is what I meant. A SM can progress from E-1 to E-4 without having to do much of anything. HRC generates a list of those eligible to promote and the commander either signs off or submits a reason for denial. Then the promotion request is processed.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
E-1 PVT on through E-4 SPC is automatic. E-4 CPL and up are not.
At least they were while I was an Active Duty Soldier from 2009 to 2014. By year 3 of AD, one should be an E-4 SPC. I don’t know anything about Guard and Reserve. If you have a proper unit, you’ll be an E-4 SPC by the end of your 2nd year. My 1st unit was 2-1 ADA, I hated it. I regret that I AIPed to stay an extra year there. They didn’t take care of their soldiers and definitely didn’t take care of their mechanics.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
>1 y
SPC David S. - It might feel and even look that way, but it is not. Nothing in the Army happens automatically. It has to be signed off on by a command authority to make it happen. E-1 to E-4 the SM does not have to do anything to get promoted. That is what is meant to by automatic. They literally have to just be in the Army, do their job and keep their nose clean and provided command gets the lists on time and sends them back on time, you get promoted. E-4 CPL is a lateral, and depends only on if the unit is allowed them and a request by command to promote.

It is only when one gets ready to go from E-4 to E-5 that they have to put forth something extra as now a points system is in place and everything is worth points towards your promotion.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
E-4 SPC to E-4 CPL takes you being qualified (having gone to WLC) and the unit having a NCO slot open. Most units do not promote to CPL. They promote to E-5 SGT.SSG Brian G.
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1SG Vet Technician
Your buddy's solution is simple. He needs to take his FLL in hand to open door policy and inquire why, as a green, qualified Soldier that meets TIS/TIR, he has not been advanced. Quite frankly, his FLL should have been on top of this before it became an issue and taken steps to correct problems that may have delayed the advancement.

I don't understand the part about you not wanting a promotion held over your head either. As a SPC, you have to put together a packet that will be reviewed by a semi-centralized board (local board, usually), I think they meet quarterly in the RC. It is this board that makes the promotion decision. Your commander can have some input on your readiness to take on more responsibility (and that input is generally given due consideration). Have you submitted a promotion packet yet, future Sergeant?
SGT Bradley Dixon
SGT Bradley Dixon
>1 y
I have one prepared to submit, I just need to attend BNOC before submitting.
SGT Platoon Sergeant
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
To my knowledge , the only thing that would stop an E3 to E4 promotion would a pt failure .
It is a time in grade promotion .
When I first got in and asked about promotion , the senior NCO’s told me to check my LES and whatever it said there is what you were . Times have changed since then .
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