Posted on Apr 28, 2015
SSG Arnie Jones
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Cpl J. Scott Lindsey, 4th Bn, 18th Infantry, 3rd Armored Division, 11C - Mortars - KIA Desert Storm February 1991.

24 years ago, I was about 26 years old with 6 years in the US Army deployed to Desert Storm as a Bradley Gunner. Out of all the things that we accomplished at the time, I have many "Mechanized Infantry" stories and memories I mentally stored, share and talk about to those that ask... And yes we had other wounded soldiers, etc...
But my KIA band I wear to honor Lindsey about my wrist will always be in the forefront. The realities of war and the ultimate sacrifice he made should never be forgotten.
I did not know him well enough, nor his wife and 2 children (I was told) left behind. Nor do I know of there status today.

I only made this Discussion about the Remembrance of KIA servicemen and women you would like to remember or acknowledge their sacrifice ... If you would like to share your just your lost comrade's name and maybe a short story.
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Responses: 13
LTC Stephen C.
Edited 9 y ago
SSG Arnie Jones, I like to remember First Lieutenant Thomas Gary Sikes (2JAN45-20DEC68).

First Lieutenant Thomas Gary Sikes was a 1962 graduate of Robert E. Lee High School, Jacksonville, FL and a 1967 graduate of Mercer University, Macon, GA.
Lieutenant Sikes was the 2nd Platoon Leader, of C Company, 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry Regiment (The Professionals), 198th Infantry Brigade, Americal (23rd) Division, United States Army Vietnam.
When Lieutenant Sikes made the ultimate sacrifice in the Quang Ngai province of South Vietnam he left a wife and a one month old son that he never even saw.
His name is located on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington, DC at coordinates 36W 053.
Requiescat in pace.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
9 y
SSG Arnie Jones, it was forty seven years ago today (20DEC15) that my friend, Gary Sikes, gave his all in the Quang Ngai province of South Vietnam. May he continue to rest in peace. (Photo by Karen Pfirrman) Sgt David G Duchesneau SGT (Join to see) 1LT Sandy Annala
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Suspended Profile
9 y
LTC Stephen C. I am so sorry for your loss. Much Love, Sandy
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Edited 9 y ago
This is my best friend in Vietnam. This is from a memorial I left on The Virtual Wall to my friend, John Richard Gregoire.
Rick was killed in a helicopter crash. He was my best friend and I missed him dearly after he was gone. I was fortunate enough to be in the rescue helicopter to come to his crew's aid. I was broken-hearted to find out the KIA mentioned on the radio was Rick. I helped load him in the rescue aircraft for his journey to Pleiku and the trip back home. I looked for Rick's parents for years so I could tell them how brave a soldier he was and exactly how he died. I never found them. I have tried to maintain his memory by keeping it alive in my web site and any other place I can. I miss you to this day, Rick. I miss the practical jokes we used to play on each other. I remember the time you got mad at me for putting the snake in your sleeping bag and the time I short-sheeted you. It was always pay-back time for each of us. I missed the reel to reel letters we used to send to your mom and the swapping of the goodies we each got from home. After you died, my personality died with you. I lost my ability to have fun anymore. I sure wish you wouldn't have died. I know it's selfish of me to feel that way but I just missed you so much. You were my best friend and I lost you to that stinking war.

Addendum: About ten years ago I was contacted by Rick's only living relative. She found my memorial for Rick, and contacted me via email. She told me about Rick's family, and I told her how he died. We have remained in touch since then. She sends me cards for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, my birthday, and Christmas. We are like family now.

God Bless you, Rick.
I hope you have rested in peace over these years.
Your friend,
Keith (Bo) Bodine
[login to see]

John Richard Gregoire

Specialist Four
Army of the United States
12 June 1946 - 02 April 1967
Wheaton, Illinois
Panel 17E Line 092
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
9 y
As Wheaton is just down the road from this reminds me how everything, including us, is somehow connected. I added your friend's picture to this site:
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SPC David S., David, thank you so much for what you did. I can't express my gratitude enough. His cousin, who contacted me, lives in Huntley,Il. Is it ok to add a link to my site to your site?
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SPC David S.
Edited 10 y ago
SFC Chris Robinson KIA 2006 A'stan.
Chris was an awesome friend. I knew he would end up being a snake eater. As kids we would get our Army on by running in snake filled ditches at 0 dark ugly. We loved it when it rained. Cammo sticks and alll. I ended up serving in the same BN as his father in a different company. Chris was more high speed and was with the 20th SF Group. He was f'ing fearless so that seemed like a good fit. Just recently hooked up with his sister on Facebook and that has helped I think both of us. Shortly after Chris was killed his father and mom passed away leaving his sis all alone. He left a wife and two kids, a boy and girl.

Last time i saw him he showed up at my house. He was in his BDU's, We went and got a bite to eat and a drink and just hung out for a while. Never knew it was going to be the last time I ever saw him. Miss you Chris.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
9 y
I served in the 20th SFG(A) from 9AUG69 to 3DEC74. Rest in peace, Sergeant Robinson. SPC David S., I'm sure you'll appreciate this memorial, if you haven't already seen it.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
9 y
LTC Stephen C. - Yes sir I have seen this - I'm friends with his sister and we talk about Chris from time to time. She has sent me some pictures of her visiting with her big brother. I have a cousin in the Brandon area and she's getting married this year so I plan on taking a little side trip over to see Chris. However thanks for the shout out in keeping Chris's name alive. Never forgotten!
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