Posted on Feb 22, 2014
How do you feel about Soldiers not referring to our President as President Obama ….instead they just say Obama?
When talking at work how do you feel if Soldiers don't give the President the respect by calling him President Obama? Do you correct Soldiers that don't use the term president? Why or why not
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 57
I will correct them. No matter what I think of the man, I say President Obama. The President part is like his rank so saying President to me is like say Sergeant Smith.
SSG (ret) William Martin
I corrected on yesterday, and I explained why and said, "I really don't want you to get into trouble so..."
SCPO (Join to see)
That is a horrible response. It should NEVER be used as a means to "keep them from getting in trouble." It should be used as a learning tool to explain to them that is HIS "rank/title", and it WILL be respected as is concurrent with military customs and courtesies. Sorry, but I don't agree with your method, SSG Martin, but it is your right to deal with it how you see fit. I'm just glad that you still took action. Most leaders won't do it much any more these days for some reason.
Capt Jeff S.
Muslim world reacts to Obama's latest speech - IPhoneConservative
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When people don't refer to Obama as President Obama but simply Obama, I consider that kind... because they are holding back from saying what they really think! To me, he is (p)Resident Obama. He is currently the White House resident and has been squatting there for the last almost 7 years.
I'm of the opinion that Obama is NOT legit. Nothing personal, but I don't like posers who lie, and commit fraud and treason. Did he not bypass Congress and willfully violate the law when he neglected to inform Congress about his prisoner swap? He aided and abetted our enemies when he swapped 5 Taliban leaders for an Army Deserter without informing Congress as he was required by law to do. Does not aiding and abetting one's enemy constitute treason?
If Obama respected the people of America, he wouldn't bypass Congress (OUR voice in government) and he wouldn't be legislating with his phone and pen. Call me racist if you wish, but you're lying to yourself if you think race has anything to do with it. Obama's lack of credentials and failure to properly vet himself have a LOT to do with my questioning his legitimacy. IF Obama had any respect for voters, he would have produced a real birth certificate when asked instead of forging documents and hiding behind legalities. I don't know where he was born, and frankly I don't care. It really becomes irrelevant when you consider that he has yet to tell the truth about his background. His lack of integrity is a bigger issue. What bothers me isn't what color he is; it's the obfuscating, lying, manufacturing of evidence, destruction of other evidence, etc. Honest people don't do that. Legit people don't do that.
With every cell in my body, I think he's a fraud. Why would Nancy Pelosi drop the words "Constitutionally qualified" from her endorsement in 2012? Why would anyone break with tradition and go through the trouble to reword their party's standard endorsement? ??? The Democratic leadership knows there's a problem and they don't want to be held liable for knowingly endorsing someone that they can't prove is eligible. They think like lawyers -- in terms of technicalities. It’s as if they all are saying, “You can't prove I knew I was lying; therefore, I wasn't lying.” Well... just because you can't prove something happened doesn't mean it didn't happen.
The burden is Obama's to prove he IS qualified AND eligible to hold office; it is not the voters' burden to prove that he is ineligible OR unqualified.
Obama holds the highest office in the land. His integrity should be rock solid and his eligibility should be unquestionable, yet credible doubts remain. That is big! It's huge!!! There should be NO MYSTERY as to who leads this country!!! You would think that in a country with 330,000,000+ people that we could find someone that meets all the Constitutional requirements of office, and has the requisite background, integrity and experience, and can prove who they are!
The rest of the world isn't stupid. They scratch their heads wondering how we could have elected Obama -- not once, but twice!!! The above video is what the Egyptians have to say about our so-called leader:
I'm of the opinion that Obama is NOT legit. Nothing personal, but I don't like posers who lie, and commit fraud and treason. Did he not bypass Congress and willfully violate the law when he neglected to inform Congress about his prisoner swap? He aided and abetted our enemies when he swapped 5 Taliban leaders for an Army Deserter without informing Congress as he was required by law to do. Does not aiding and abetting one's enemy constitute treason?
If Obama respected the people of America, he wouldn't bypass Congress (OUR voice in government) and he wouldn't be legislating with his phone and pen. Call me racist if you wish, but you're lying to yourself if you think race has anything to do with it. Obama's lack of credentials and failure to properly vet himself have a LOT to do with my questioning his legitimacy. IF Obama had any respect for voters, he would have produced a real birth certificate when asked instead of forging documents and hiding behind legalities. I don't know where he was born, and frankly I don't care. It really becomes irrelevant when you consider that he has yet to tell the truth about his background. His lack of integrity is a bigger issue. What bothers me isn't what color he is; it's the obfuscating, lying, manufacturing of evidence, destruction of other evidence, etc. Honest people don't do that. Legit people don't do that.
With every cell in my body, I think he's a fraud. Why would Nancy Pelosi drop the words "Constitutionally qualified" from her endorsement in 2012? Why would anyone break with tradition and go through the trouble to reword their party's standard endorsement? ??? The Democratic leadership knows there's a problem and they don't want to be held liable for knowingly endorsing someone that they can't prove is eligible. They think like lawyers -- in terms of technicalities. It’s as if they all are saying, “You can't prove I knew I was lying; therefore, I wasn't lying.” Well... just because you can't prove something happened doesn't mean it didn't happen.
The burden is Obama's to prove he IS qualified AND eligible to hold office; it is not the voters' burden to prove that he is ineligible OR unqualified.
Obama holds the highest office in the land. His integrity should be rock solid and his eligibility should be unquestionable, yet credible doubts remain. That is big! It's huge!!! There should be NO MYSTERY as to who leads this country!!! You would think that in a country with 330,000,000+ people that we could find someone that meets all the Constitutional requirements of office, and has the requisite background, integrity and experience, and can prove who they are!
The rest of the world isn't stupid. They scratch their heads wondering how we could have elected Obama -- not once, but twice!!! The above video is what the Egyptians have to say about our so-called leader:
You don't have to like him or his policies but you MUST respect the office that he holds. He is the President of the United States; the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. As long as one is wearing the uniform, it is only proper that you bestow the proper courtesies of his office and title. Plain and simple.
SSG (ret) William Martin
You don't even have to vote for him or support all those liberal America destroying agendas....just don't disrespect the President or say disparaging comments as those are illegal. Now for his cabinet members, they are fair game.
SSG (Join to see)
I had to correct a NCO on Facebook for the same thing. As long as he is the commander and chief it should be President Obama.
LCDR (Join to see)
His cabinet members are not, in fact, fair game; public officials are off-limits. While you're in uniform, nobody at all should know what your politics are.
Not to knit pick here, but this isn't a situation isolated to President Obama. I was on active duty from 1983 - 2006 and can not think of a single President that wasn't referred to or discussed in the same manner (last name only). Not saying that it's proper, we all know it isn't, but this isn't directed solely towards our current President. To take the discussion one step further, a former President is also to be addressed as President "Name" or former President "Name"... how often does that happen?
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Agreed --- this is not anything new and certainly shouldn't be construed as some kind of "special" disrespect to the current occupant of the White House.
Sgt Stephen Browning
it is my belief that just as we salute staff cars, because of the flag on it, we should also give the president the respect due his title also.A general is given his ranks due even if he is a hard to like person.
SSG Gerhard S.
I agree, using the title is proper, but you are correct that leaving the title off is nothing new, or unique to Pres. Obama.
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