I attempted to reenlist into active duty but apparently MEPS denied me. I was told I can transfer from IRR to reserves without MEPS but I don't really want to lose my VA just to be reserves.. Anybody have knowledge about going from IRR to AGR?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
You have to apply to, and be accepted into, the AGR program. Which means, you have to submit a packet.

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You cannot have an AGR position without being in the reserves (or NG - depends on what you apply for). And reserves does not take away from VA ratings or disability pay. It is an easy transfer, any retention NCO can help you with the paperwork.
See link that SFC Livingston posted for application process to AGR.
See link that SFC Livingston posted for application process to AGR.
You do not lose your VA disability payment in the reserves. They only back out the days you drill or are on orders. I'm 60%
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