Posted on Apr 27, 2015
1SG Scott MacGregor
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Responses: 10
Col Joseph Lenertz
Opt out. The Federal Government has no constitutionally enumerated role in education. So the states own it, constitutionally.

Allow the states to meet their own educational needs, and allow citizens the ability to judge amongst competing models, and move to their state of choice if they want. Initially, some states will get it better than Common Core, others will do worse. The losers will learn from and emulate the policies of the winners.

If we only hired teachers from dedicated Teachers Universities (Finland model), killed teacher's unions and their protection of horrible teachers and felons, and allowed student tiering based on scholastic aptitude, our national education ranking would shoot up from #14 to #5.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
This is where things get tricky. Education has become Commerce. Congress does have the Power to regulate that. Furthermore, "stretching" the powers of the Necessary & Proper clause, we can easily pervert those powers as well.

As a "Social Good" (which I despise using as an argument), Education is essential for the Nation.

Though I tend to agree we should leave it at the State level, however, with 50 states... How does one ensure Fair Competition?

Saying People can pick and choose their State, is like saying they can pick & choose their Nation. They cannot. I'm sorry, they cannot. Most people don't pick up and move. We (military) are in the unique position of having lived in a variety of places. Most people don't do that.

This hearkens back to needing some kind of referee to keep things fair. Which unfortunately means either setting a minimum standard (common core), or leveling the playing field (stealing from one, for the benefit of another).

I think this is really a matter of Scale. Finland's model is great for a country of what 10M? But would it work for 320m? I don't know. Every time a suggestion is made about converting to a northern European model of anything... Scale comes into play. Either Landmass or Population or Both.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
10 y
Yep, the many re-interpretations of the Commerce Clause has given amazing, unintended power to the federal government. So I have one more: Repeal the commerce clause. Competition does not have to be fair, and our constitution has been the only reason we have survived this long as a "Large Republic". Giving more power to the central government will not help. Federalism (power to the states) is THE recognition of the challenge of a large republic. It is what enables the tailoring that each state can address 10M instead of 320M. You are fighting against your own position when you argue for central control and then claim scale as a principle challenge.
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MSG Platoon Sergeant
Edited 10 y ago
Thought you were talking NCOES common core........
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
10 y
So did I...
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
At least I wasn't alone
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SSG Recruiting And Retention Nco
TSgt Training Ncoic
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
I actually LOL'd at this.
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