Posted on Apr 27, 2015
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
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Wow! Where or how do I start? I can surely say that on Saturday I had the BEST day of my short career. From the very beginning, we were receiving World War II, Vietnam and Korea Veterans, every single soul in that airport was applauding and thanking those vets for their service. Laughs and tears everywhere. One SGT at my side told one of the Vets, we're gonna have a great day, hooah! And the Vet replied, I WAS IN THE NAVY! We couldn't help but laugh. If my day had been just that I could say that it was enough but, we had a day full of emotions ahead of us.

From the Airport we went to the Arlington Cemetary to watch the Change of Guard in front of the Unknown Soldier Thumb. A ceremony full of respect and solitude. The day was just getting better, I got to see the Audie L. Murphy thumb surrounded by Veterans, a double honor.

After that we went to the Iwo Jima Memorial, where I got the Honor to meet Tuskegee Airmen LTC Leo R. Gray, a Red Tail Pilot from the USAF . Being there with Veterans that fought there had a complete different meaning. But the day continued and we head to the best moment of the whole trip, the WWII Memorial.

Ok, imagine that you are in the Hollywood Stars Walk, at the Rolling Stones Star, WITH the Rolling Stone well, this was even more AWESOME. We are there, Veterans everywhere, every step we took was another picture with the people that was there. We were in ACU's with Veterans, that's not a picture you take everyday. It took us more than 45 mins to complete the whole lap of the WWII Memorial, whoever have go there will know that's a lot of time. We enjoy every moment shared with them, there was so much respect and gratitude for us that it was overwhelming. When we walked out of the Memorial, there was a line of kids shaking our hands and thanking our service, what an experience!

On our way back to the airport, I took the time to thank them for the opportunity of being there. I told them that I thought I was volunteering to help them during the day but, at the end, I felt like THEY volunteered for let ME have a GREAT day with them.

To those that haven't the experience of being in a Honor Flight, I would say that whenever you get the chance, jump in because you won't ever forget it. If you want more information on it, here is the link: also, there was NBC and FOX News covering the activity, if you want to see the coverage will be today at night here: (I don't have the link for NBC though)


While my day was AWESOME from beginning to end, their day didn't stop there. The biggest surprise was waiting for them back in Florida!!! More than 2000 people were waiting for them at the airport to give them the "Welcome Back Home!!!", how great is that?! Family members, Service Members, Police Men, Civilians, EVERYBODY was waiting for them there. As SSgt (Join to see) told me, that was a powerful picture. I really wish being there with them!! I bet they had the day of their lifes. I updated the link with the coverage on the Honor Flight, please give it a click and watch the whole report on it.

I hope I didn't bored you, I just wanted to share my awesome experience.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 12
CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter
One of the very best days of my life was In March of 2013 when I took my Honer Flight. One of the best parts of that day was getting to talk to the active duty people who met us at our hotel and at the monuments. To them I can't say thank you enough. I remember the day we sailed for Veitnam. We needed a Coast Guard escort to keep the protesters away. The Golden Gate Bridge was lined with people and it was not flowers they were throwing. I cannot express in words my feelings about Honer Flight. All I can is thank you for a very special day
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
10 y
CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter thanks for sharing your experience Sir, it was a honor for me being there. I wish I could give more than 1 like to your comment.
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Capt Retired
My neighbor in Colorado, a WWII vet was honored. The smile on his face as he told us about it spoke more than any words ever could.

Thanks to all of you who support this for those honored.
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
10 y
I would do it again any day! It was a great experience!
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CW2 Retired
PFC Camacho it was an honor indeed! Looking forward to the next Honor Flight!
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
9 y
CW2 (Join to see) Ma'am, I volunteered again, here will be another trip to DC on May 21 with 75 WWII Veterans. Just letting you know in case you want to go...
CW2 Retired
CW2 (Join to see)
9 y
SPC Camacho,
Thanks for letting me know.
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