Posted on Aug 7, 2020
Still doing APFT and height/weight at BLC with new COVID guidance?
I was just reading on the new guidance for APFT and height and weight. Going into BLC, does this mean they won’t be administering either during the course as long as I had a previously passing test and height/weight?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
That was the last guidance put out by Big Army. But, you can also contact NCOA that you will be attending and ask them.
As per guidance from Big Army, the ACFT will completely replace the APFT as the only official test of record starting October 1st, 2020. So that begs the question: When are you going to BLC? If the course is set before the start of the new fiscal year, you may be running on the old TLOs for the schoolhouse you are going to and conduct an APFT. This does not mean that you will have to do both, or that the APFT you take will not count as an official test. The Schoolhouse you are going to will have more defined guidance, and should be giving you a welcome packet. If they are squared away, they will have a section about the APFT/ACFT status as it will be a hot topic for the next several months.
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