Posted on Aug 5, 2020
Is it going to be impossible to get an ADHD waiver?
I got put on ADHD meds while I was in service. I got out and haven’t been on ADHD meds for 5 years and saw a psychologist and they diagnosed me with not having ADHD and I have that documentation from her and am giving it to the military for re-enlistment. My question is is it going to be impossible to get that waiver? I need an RE 3 waiver too but that’ll be easy to get. I didn’t go to college but I’m a 3rd year journeymen. Any answers out there if they will approve my ADHD waiver with the documentation I have provided?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Review DoDI 6130.03, March 30, 2018, specifically Section 5.28.
That being said, your approval will depend on the approving authority upon review of said DoDI and their thoughts if your situation applies or not applies. The only way to truly find out is to have your Recruiter submit the waiver request and see what happens. Unfortunately, there can be no better answer.
That being said, your approval will depend on the approving authority upon review of said DoDI and their thoughts if your situation applies or not applies. The only way to truly find out is to have your Recruiter submit the waiver request and see what happens. Unfortunately, there can be no better answer.
PFC Jordan Robey
So if I’ve never been on a 504 plan (I called my high school) haven’t been on medication in 5 years, and I don’t need work accommodations. I should have a decent shot right? I have all the documentation to prove all that even a letter from my job.
Look man imma be real honest with you. I got out with an RE3. I went from active duty to guard. I picked a new job and showed up to my unit. During my stay the government was going through changes and it kept having the shut downs so I decided I’ll just go to my actual MOs and a unit closer to home. I was driving 6 hours one way to drill. So my unit found me a home and I show up. Come to find out the slot wasn’t there. I drilled that weekend and worked with my interstate person. I was sent discharge paperwork with a failure to report to my gaining unit. I worked my butt off for the waiver and it took over a year and 5 different recruiters before it was finally approved. You are asking for a waiver for patterns of misconduct during a time when the army isn’t really that desperate for people. There are many people trying to get in who have RE-1 and are still struggling. Be humble with your thought process. Getting your RE-3 isn’t going to be easy. When it got approved how ever many years you say it was is a completely different army than it is today. You need to show them this is what you really want and why. Consider this a job interview because if your recruiter feels you aren’t worth the hassle why would they work for you. Work the RE-3 waiver first. You need to see a recruiter regardless. I came here for guidance on my code as well and it’s true. Everyone’s journeys are different and circumstances are different. I wish you luck and suggest you get the ball rolling before another 5 years pass and you are still at square one.
PFC Jordan Robey
Thank you for your honest opinion. I’m trying to be positive about it all. We have to get the medical waiver before RE3. I have 2 different doctors saying a don’t have it. As for the RE3 when I tried last time I got it approved because I honestly didn’t do anything that was horrible. I have a recommendation from a one star, a colonel, and a first sergeant. I really hope it helps.
In order to get the right answer you’re looking for, you would have to talk with a recruiter. We can say it’s easy based upon our own personal experience, however, the recruiter and the MEPS ultimately have the final say so. Good luck to you....
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