Posted on Apr 24, 2015
Army Times
635654058475690186 arm women ranger school day two 2
From: Army Times

Eight women and 184 men have successfully completed the first four days of Ranger School, officials at Fort Benning, Georgia, announced Thursday.

This period is commonly known as RAP week, with RAP standing for Ranger Assessment Phase.

During those four days, the soldiers were evaluated on a series of punishing physical events. They had to conduct a physical fitness test consisting of 49 push-ups, 59 sit-ups, six chin-ups and a five-mile run in under 40 minutes.

They also underwent a swim test and a land navigation test. The soldiers also had to complete a 12-mile foot march wearing a 35-pound rucksack in under three hours.

A total of 19 female and 381 male soldiers started the two-month Ranger School on Monday.

Three women and 78 men were eliminated from training after the PT test on the first day.

After RAP week, eight women and 184 men remained in training – this represents an overall success rate of 48 percent, according to the statement from Fort Benning.

There was a 42.1 percent success rate for the female soldiers and a 48.3 percent success rate for the male students, according to Fort Benning.

Officials said these numbers are "within historic norms for the Ranger course."

The training that began Monday is a one-time, integrated assessment at the Army's famously punishing Ranger School.

The assessment is part of a wider effort to determine whether and how to open combat arms jobs to women, and it is a first for Ranger School, which until now has been open only to men.

On average, about 45 percent of Ranger School students will graduate. As many as 60 percent of all Ranger School failures will occur in the first four days of RAP week.

In fiscal 2014, PT test failures made up the largest number of Ranger School failures.

Twenty women qualified to attend the integrated Ranger School assessment after successfully completing the Army National Guard Ranger Training Assessment Course.

To prepare for the April assessment, the Army required female candidates to attend the two-week RTAC, setting aside seats for female candidates in each iteration of the course between January and April.

RTAC has historically been a strong indicator of whether a candidate will be successful at Ranger School. Data has shown that more than half of the soldiers who complete RTAC will successfully complete Ranger School.

Women who successfully complete Ranger School will receive a certificate and be awarded the coveted Ranger tab. They will not, however, be assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment, which is separate from Ranger School.
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Responses: 8
WO1 Intelligence Officer (S2)
Seems like the ones that are left are statistically keeping up with everybody else.
I wish them all good training, the Army may be about to tab it's first female Rangers.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
10 y
You mean: "Tab more Rangers"?
SFC Infantryman
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
No, he means "female" Rangers. They are not combat arms soldiers, and will not be going to the regiment. It's a check the block for their careers, and gratifying to their egos. Nothing more. They will never use this training, IAW the needs of the Army. Of course there's media hype, because it's all for "show!"
WO1 Intelligence Officer (S2)
WO1 (Join to see)
10 y
If the females get the tab, there will be 8 more Army Rangers tabbed, like CPT Zachary Brooks said. We are all one Army, and one Military regardless of gender. SFC (Join to see)
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SSG Todd Lysfjord
Seriously though...good luck to them and I hope they get a fair shake with the same standards across the board.
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
10 y
SFC Infantryman
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
The first standard not to be upheld "across the board," was the haircut. That set a bad precedent. Rangers have been suspicious of the whole fiasco from day #1...
SSG Todd Lysfjord
SSG Todd Lysfjord
10 y
They have surely been set up for success so much so that at least one should graduate. They had over a two month train up with fitness experts and a nutritionist before RTAC. Had a long break between RTAC and the beginning of RAP week. It is unprecedented cuddling so I hope one does graduate so it doesn't become such a big fiasco in a future experiment.
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1SG John Keefer
Best of luck to all of those that are in this Ranger Class. I was in Ranger Course 10-92, and made it without being recycled. It doesn't matter the gender. If you have what it takes to be a Ranger, then go for it and push yourself. RLTW.
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