Posted on Jul 29, 2020
SSG Mobility Ncoic
Have a question to pose for the rally point community.

I'll start off by listing the relevant details and then lead into my question.
My fiance recently enlisted as a 35B in the reserves, her BCT and AIT dates were scheduled out for BCT in FEB 2021 leading into AIT. Her reserve unit is reluctant to let her participate in their drills etc due to her not completing BCT yet. She has attempted to Renegotiate her contract to allow her to attend BCT sooner but her reserve unit points the finger and says it's her recruiters responsibility, then her recruiter states it would require her to separate and rejoin in 6 months. She has contacted her Army Liaison at MEPS, her recruiter, recruiting station 1SG, and her HR at her reserve unit. All personnel are giving her the run around and not taking action to assist her in accomplishing her obligation so she can be an active member of her unit. She isn't trying to get out of her duties, or amend her contract to change jobs or anything, she just wants to alter her BCT date to an earlier date so she can participate in unit functions.

I'm struggling to aid her without getting directly involved, it isn't my chain of command, they aren't my soldiers, and it would only make things worse for me to try and directly get involved.

What can I advise her to do to aid her in getting her BCT dates amended to an earlier date if available? Form Numbers, signatures at what level, etc?

Besides just going out and buying her a uniform, boots, socks, undershirts, belt, and PC what can be done for her to receive a uniform when she is required to participate in unit functions and be in the appropriate attire? Her Unit is saying her recruiter can purchase it and write it off, recruiting station is saying (they can borrow a temporary uniform but cannot purchase one for her.)

Since she has sworn in and has officially started attending drills, is she able to transfer to another recruiting station or is she stuck with her current recruiter?

Any additional guidance would be very much appreciated, if you have questions to better clarify something I might have glossed over please let me know.

Again thank you for your assistance.
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Responses: 8
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Units usually want their pre-basic Soldiers to come in and participate. I know I do.
There are some things that they can't do, like weapons qual. But most of it they can help with and get their admin stuff done, a sponsor, etc.

I'm wondering if the resistance is Covid-related.
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MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
Once assigned to a reserve unit and under contract, the unit supply should be able to request uniforms through KYLOC. I've never heard of recruiting providing uniforms.
She can attend drills prior to basic training but some training will not be permitted. Some training is at the commanders discretion with the intent not to injure the SM prior to basic.
With COVID delays and mandated quarantine, basic training is back logged. There is a good chance that there is no room to get an earlier ship date.
SSG Mobility Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for reaching out Ma'am, I appreciate your help and I've shown my fiance all of the feedback from this post. It helps her better understand what's going on behind the scenes. I can give her the active duty explanations but my understanding is reserve is a little different is some things.
SFC Dan Sorrow, M.S.
SFC Dan Sorrow, M.S.
>1 y
Sounds like a well informed and reasoned response. Quite refreshing in this day and time.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited >1 y ago
Her orders for BCT and AIT will all come thru MEPS and Recruiting Command. I say this because I have a Soldier currently in AIT and his orders were generated and cut from those places. Your wife is under no obligation to attend Reserve BTAs untill she is done with Basic Training. As for uniforms, the unit I feel is giving bad intel. There should be no problem (as long as there is money in the system) to order her one set of everything thru KYLOC.

As for the dates of training, they could be locked in stone due to training rotations and dates available. The Career Counselor at MEPS should be able to look that up easily enough.

Since she has sworn in, I do believe she is locked in with this Recruiter. I could be wrong, however.

Personally, I think your wife is getting the run around and everyone is just trying to pass the buck since she is an IET. Which, personally, I find this more wrong than a hooker putting a 3 dollar bill in the church offering plate.
SFC Steven Borders
SFC Steven Borders
>1 y
I always try to get IET Troops in to at least in-process before they go to BCT. Just seems odd that her unit would not want her to participate. Since everything right now is virtual why not?
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Back when I was in the Guard we used to have DEP guys who drilled with us for up to 6-7 months prior to going to BCT. I don't see why her unit doesn't want her to attend BA.
SSG Mobility Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for the assistance gentlemen, I've advised her of the info from all the comments. She found out this afternoon from the recruiting station 1SG that big Army is apparently freezing up BCT slots and pushing some personnel slotted to the right. She's going to leave the dispute alone and just deal with the stigma for now.
SSG Mobility Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I apologize, to better clarify they're integrating her in some ways such as VBA's and COC inventories etc. I was a bit confused about the larger functions such as AT and they're continued reciting of "you wouldn't be able to do it since you haven't been to basic yet". Some of the other responses cleared that up a little. Thank you again and have a great day.
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