Posted on Jul 23, 2020
SSG Ammunition Ncoic
Here is some back story, I was place on orders for Fort Irwin for 10 June, I was scheduled to to clear and take PCS leave in April. COVID hit and the stop move was put in place a week befor I was supposed to clear. At the end of May I was given amended orders for a report of 15 July, after talking to everyone about my orders to ensure they where good I was give the go ahead to start my PCS stuff again so we put or house up for sale and scheduled for HHG pick up 1 July. on June 15th I sent all my stuff to the Fort Carson clearing office and was told I needed an ETP because California was red. (keep in mind my house was under contract at this point) I submitted my ETP on 17 June and between 17 June and 1 July I was told it was being processed and we should get it back any time. my family and I wen on block leave to Utah on 1 July. fast forward to 15 July (almost 30 days after I submitted my ETP) my ETP was never submitted to higher, my house is sold, my family is in utah living with family, my HHGs are on a trailer in storrage for 900 a month, and I'm in Colorado living in a hotel for 750 a week! I'm just trying to get any answers on if the army is paying me back for all of this or if I'm F***ed because no one seems to have any answers!
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Responses: 8
SFC Retention Operations Nco
DoD authorized a COVID Dislocation Allowance when this started. You’re not going to get a reimbursement for the hotels specifically, but the DLA should exceed your housing costs. I believe the authorization was released in an ALARACT.
SSG Ammunition Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Jason Boyd, thank you I will make sure I look into this.
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SFC Incheon Airport Jppc Ncoic
The DOD implemented a Hardship Duty Pay-Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM). The link is listed below. Go to your S1, provide this link so they can do their job to research the process (no offense).

I’m not understanding why you are paying $900 a month for a storage when you had orders and could have had your HHG picked up and according to your story, you had a HHG pick-up scheduled for 1 July (no need to cancel HHG).

I understand you are displaced, did you try utilizing lodging on-post because I’m truly not understanding why you are paying $750 a week for lodging with the expectation of getting re-imbursed, that amount is ridiculous especially for one person... According to the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), each state has a maximum rate you’re authorized for lodging for each state. If lower lodging is available on post (first option) or off post lodging (if on-post isn’t available a statement of non-availability is required) that is within the DOD lodging cost based upon the per diem rate for Colorado and you select a location that exceed that rate, you won’t get re-imbursed.

The below link should help you find the answer you’re looking for. Good luck to you....
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Fort Carson Mountain Post Living
Edited >1 y ago
Hi. We're with Fort Carson Mountain Post Living. We're an active lifestyle and healthy living community connection concept. We're not the PAO; however, we are a semi-official presence with resources to help. We'll see if we can get some answers for your question.

In the meantime, check out the Fort Carson Covid-19 info sheet ( & the Fort Carson Covid-19 FAQs sheet (

The Fort Carson PAO or Fort Carson ACS might be able to help. Connect with the Fort Carson PAO on Facebook at Connect with the Fort Carson ACS office at [login to see] 37/.

Don't forget that Army Emergency Relief (AER) is always an option. Fort Carson ACS can help you with AER requests.

Hope this helps.
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