Posted on Jul 21, 2020
SPC Stryker Systems Maintainer
Good morning

7-20-2020, Yesterday around 1500 SSG BOB told the class that more than half would be attending BLC from home starting tomorrow. I rose my hand, verbally asked "Sargent what about the Soldiers who are in Vilseck" and looked SSG BOB in the eye, he walked out saying meh. SSG BOB came back 3 or 4 more times, each time I would ask the same question only to be ignored. My last attempt to get SSG BOB to acknowledge my question was to grab his attention when he stopped to another converse with another soldier about their name on a piece of paper.

It may be hard to prove.

SSG BOB knows the layout of classrooms. 8 of the Soldiers that are from Vilseck were selected to keep coming into the NCOA the other 2 Soldiers are infantry that are home attending BLC. The rest of the class is from Graf (30 plus) the situation seems premeditated based on bias.

SSG BOB: So what about the Soldiers in Vilseck

SPC DAN: Some of us such as myself are commuting more than 30 min to get here everyday, my wife is the one who takes me.

SSG BOB: If it is that hard for you to make it to blc then maybe you shouldn't come

SPC DAN: My point is about equal opportunity where 90% of the class is working from home and are commuting 5 min is not equal opportunity

SSG BOB: Do you even know what is going on?

SPC DAN: I do not Sgt.

SSG BOB: Then sit down, your problem is you lack tact. Do you know what that is?

SPC DAN: Sgt I tried asking you 5 times and you blatantly ignored me as if my question was a nuisance.

SSG BOB: If you had any tact and asked me nicely I would've you switched out with someone else from graf.

(its not about switching out with someone else, my point is the Soldiers that are from vilseck are traveling a much further distance and using more gas that will not be re imbursed at all. Everyone in the class should be able to work from home or at least the ones that are commuting 30 min plus just to get here should be free to work from home. Especially Soldiers a newborn such as myself. All I want is equal opportunity across the board.)

The question I have is even though it is an "experiment". According to EO REG Chapter 6-2 para 3. All future NCOs attending BLC are equals, why are most Soldiers from Vilseck exempt in the same privilege's as the rest of the Soldiers who are working from home?

Chapter 6 The Equal Opportunity Program in the Army

6–2. Equal opportunity policy

(3) Equal opportunity. The right of all persons to participate in, and benefit from, programs and activities (for example, career, employment, educational, social) for which they are qualified. These programs and activities will be free from social, personal, or institutional barriers that prevent people from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible. Persons will be evaluated on individual merit, fitness, and capability, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or religion.

The continuous problems of intermittent activity is continuous problem for my engagement in class. I went form being a main participant to not be able to connect for an hour at a time. Every time I tell the instructors either during class or during the AAR, that I've been having a problem with black board groups and I am unable to participate in discussions with the class moves on and I am forgotten. I came to BLC to learn and the last few days have been unfruitful for my education as a future leader.

The email i recieved


We are conducting several pilot programs at the academy now and we appreciate your participation and patience. . As I am sure you are aware, COVID-19 has thrust us into modernizing BLC at a rapid pace. We are using this opportunity to test different approaches to learning. This is not only the 7th Army NCOA, but all BLC’s across the Army. We are currently 1 of 5 BLC academies testing All others remain on Since the inception of vBLC, we tested platforms such as VTC, GVS, DCS, MS Teams, and now Over the last 4 cycles, no BLC class has been the same, nor has the students learning experience. We are spread out across the continent and have to deal with several contingencies at once. SSG Fischer did what I asked him to do in randomly selecting between 10-15 students to conduct BLC from home on a temporary basis. The purpose of this was to identify if it was advantageous to have students at home on a more stable network. Additionally, students had to remain in the hub so we can compare data between the two experiences simultaneously. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on your experience using BB collaborate on our puck network here at the academy. Your input will have a major impact on the way we move forward with vBLC as well as the resident course when it resumes

Is this ethical or breaking any regulations regarding blc?
No briefings or any actual information was disseminated to anyone that their would be this much change with blc

The expirement is if soliders at home on a single network would do better than a do better than a bunch of soliders on one network. Which is stupid because of the way basics of bandwidth work
Posted in these groups: Ethics logo Ethics77e7ddf7 Equal Opportunity (EO)
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If your SGL is not answering your questions, then speak with the Course Manager. If that doesn't work, speak with the Deputy Commandant. If all else fails, speak with the Commandant. With the way things are going, I am actually surprised any of you are doing an in person course and not the Emergency BLC virtual format.
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MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
It doesn't sound like an EO issue. If the SGL was instructed to select a number of students to be in a test group and you were not selected, there is no EO unless you were not selected based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Virtual BLC is in the testing phase, it is not the standard (yet).
I do not consider SPC "newborns" to the military. You are taking an NCOES course in preparation to be an NCO and leader of troops.
The distance from Graf to Vilseck is not that far (depending on if you live in the community). Even if you were not in class, you would still have to commute to work every day. It is your choice to have your spouse drive you - there are community shuttles if she needed to travel. Your family is making the choice to drive back and forth multiple times (due to sharing 1 vehicle).
MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
There is housing all over that area, up to 20 miles radius from USAG Bavaria. You get what you get. I'm sure there are people driving from the other side of Graf to Vilseck every day for work. I don't understand why you are complaining about driving a few extra miles to a school that is going to help you get promoted and make more money.
If you are not interested in being there or being an NCO, then drop the class. I promise you, the higher up in rank the more of your personal time and travel is going to be required.
SPC Stryker Systems Maintainer
SPC (Join to see)
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The decision in making soldiers that live min away versus the sodliers that live off post with families could've been considered before "randomly deciding" the majority of the class working from home are single soldiers working in graff.
MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
If it was random, they wouldn’t take location into consideration. Maybe they pulled names out of a hat. You could ask how they choose or see if you could swap out with someone doing virtual.
SPC Stryker Systems Maintainer
SPC (Join to see)
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MAJ (Join to see)

I did ask him. He chose the graf soldiers to stay home while the vilseck guys kept attending. I even mentioned my wife too him and he didnt care.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the interesting share.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
WO1 John C. Thank you for the disciplinary action on my answer to the SM.
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