Posted on Apr 23, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
The larger-than-life American military leaders of the past both inspired and annoyed their troops, the public and the enemy. But they got the mission accomplished with much resolve. Much gusto. They were fearless and often outspoken. The enemy shuddered. Do we have leaders with that level of resolve today? What has changed? Who are our'Pattons' and 'Nimitz' today ?
Posted in these groups: Iraq war Warfare58712240 WWIII
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Responses: 5
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
Edited >1 y ago
It's a direct result of our organizational culture and environment. We're more worried about who we offend and including everyone than we are about winning wars. The closest leader we have, GEN. Mattis, was relieved of command early and shortly thereafter retired. I would wager Gen. Patton wouldn't make CPT in today's Army. We had a female file a complaint with Battalion last month because she overheard the word "B!@#h" used in a conversation within my Infantry Company. In today's Army "old blood and guts" and his infamous profanity would've landed him a short trip to the door instead of a promotion.

I find even myself regularly editing how I truly feel before I speak or simply not speaking at all. I don't even like correcting female Soldiers with our current climate. Not that I claim to be the next Patton, but I digress. Political correctness is crushing our fighting spirit and the ability to develop such dynamic leaders.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I regularly find myself editing my own thought as well, sir. Too much PC and Joe/Jane hugging going on. What happened to the days when you could tell a soldier that they're a dirt bag to their face without getting chewed out later for it? Or telling a soldier that their uniform looks like a bag of smashed a** in a inspection.

Too much PC is jeopardizing honesty. Tact has it's place, but sometimes soldiers need verbal counseling unfiltered.
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MAJ Javier Rivera
The military does. Your question should be: does the elected officials, regardless of their political affiliation, have it? Remember even the best military leader cannot develop a strategy without clear guidance from its superior; in our case the POTUS.
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SCPO David Lockwood
I hate to say it but in today's environment there are no Patton's and Nimitz's because they are not allowed to think and react to a situation without congress' approval. We need to allow those in command command and make the hard decisions to win the war utilizing any means available. With the media embedded with the troops and reporting on everything that is going on in (almost) real time Commanders can't make the hard decisions. Get rid of the embedded media, the people don't need to know everything that is being done to win the war. All they need to know is that we are doing everything possible to end this as quickly as we can. Does every American have the "Need to know"?
SCPO David Lockwood
SCPO David Lockwood
>1 y
Well said sir! I couldn't agree more. Let the military go kick ass and don't worry about how it is being done.
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