Responses: 115
I tuck mine in, although it's for far more practical purposes. It keeps ticks and other irritations out of my pants legs. I don't know how many times I've seen people who blouse have issues with ticks and mosquitoes because they used blousing bands.
SGT (Join to see)
The field is the only exception to my dislike of tucking. I always tuck mine in the field for that exact reason.
1LT William Clardy
That was exactly my thought when I first saw this question, MAJ (Join to see). Tucking forces anything trying to get into your pants uninvited to take a long detour.
Sgt Benjamin Ponzer
I think you are blouson wrong. The blousing band should be on the boot nor above it which stops stuff from getting in your boots.
SSG(P) Danielle Birtha
Sgt Benjamin Ponzer - EXACTLY! Blousing above the boot also cuts off circulation to your feet, and can cause blood clots.
Always make sure your pants are long enough to stay below the top of the boot when using bands ;)
--> 30 years later... I STILL have indention around my legs from blousing above the boot... and varicose veining around that area.
Always make sure your pants are long enough to stay below the top of the boot when using bands ;)
--> 30 years later... I STILL have indention around my legs from blousing above the boot... and varicose veining around that area.
I prefer blousing because it is more comfortable to me and I think it looks neater and more professional.
Sgt Benjamin Ponzer
This is an edit because i apparently can't tyoe or figure out how to edit my comments. If you see socks you are wrong. It is not hard the purpose of a blouse is to keep stuff out of your boots, not to look preety. Looking prettier than unbloused is s side benifit not the purpose.
SFC Greg Bruorton
Sgt Benjamin Ponzer - Look for the word "edit" directly below your post. Click and then correct your errors, such as benifit to read benefit, tyoe to read type. Have fun.
1SG Patrick Sims
In Vietnam we bloused our pants to keep leaches off. Generally boots weren't lased half way up and the laces wrapped around your ankles. This helped to keep the heat rash down. Smelling like a heard of goats probably kept most of the mosquitos off us. as well.
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