Posted on Jul 13, 2020
Is there a regulation stating that you have to hand carry your ACH when you PCS?
I’ve always put it in household goods.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
You are authorized professional gear in your shipment of your HHG. In my 20yrs of Service I have never carried my ACH with me while on leave and traveling, never wanted to put myself in a position to risk it unintentionally coming up missing while on leave and traveling to my duty location.
If you are receding instructions from your gaining Command to carry it with you, it could be because you’re going to need it upon arrival for an exercise or deployment. Check with the gaining command to get clarification. If you’re not going to need it upon arrival, ship it with your HHG as Pro-gear. Good luck to you....
If you are receding instructions from your gaining Command to carry it with you, it could be because you’re going to need it upon arrival for an exercise or deployment. Check with the gaining command to get clarification. If you’re not going to need it upon arrival, ship it with your HHG as Pro-gear. Good luck to you....
SGM (R) Antonio Brown
I was on Fort Stewart for 7yrs and at one point incoming Soldiers had to arrive with their Kevlar/ACH because they started Marne Training upon arrival in preparation for deployment.
No. There is a reason you are specifically authorized "PRO GEAR" as a separate item as part of a PCS. Because there is an expectation that you will SHIP these items, not carry them. There is ZERO doctrinal requirement for you to hand carry your PRO GEAR.
People will argue this because of "he said, she said", but when you ask them what regulation states you must hand carry, they will come up blank.
People will argue this because of "he said, she said", but when you ask them what regulation states you must hand carry, they will come up blank.
If there is not one, there should be. Not having your ACH upon arrival to your unit makes you non deployable, now sure, they can send you to CIF to get a replacement, but you would end up paying for the ACH in your household goods. Your TA 50 in its entirety, should be carried with you, in the event of a real world rapid deployment. The tools of your job should always be with you.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SGT (Join to see) - How the hell you have 4 tough boxes of TA-50? I was an infantryman, and at most, I had 3 duffel bags, and Airports have luggage racks, and the Boxes would go into the belly of the aircraft, and then back onto a luggage rack, and then into the back of a taxi or other mode of transportation. This is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Kind of unrealistic advice there. Just because an airline (Delta is one of them) may not charge you for military baggage, doesn't mean it will be manageable, When I went to Korea, I had a large rolling TuffBox, a traditional duffel bag, a garment bag (Blues), and a carry-on computer bag. It was all I could do to manhandle all of that through Incheon Int'l Airport, onto the bus, and around Camp Casey/Hovey. It wasn't until I reached Camp Humphreys that I could get anyone to help me lug my gear.
I never hand-carried any of my TA-50 when I PCSed (5 PCS in 8 years) and it always went into my HHG shipment. While I was not Infantry, there was never an instance where I needed ALL of my TA-50 upon arrival at my new duty station. Even at Fort Bragg, newly arrived Soldiers will spend a minimum of a week at the Indoc Center, inprocessing and such. No one that I know of, or have heard of, arrives from a PCS straight into a deployment. Most smart Soldiers get their 10 days PTDY upon arrival at their new duty station.
Let's not put unrealistic expectations on junior Soldiers. Be a leader, not a "boss."
I never hand-carried any of my TA-50 when I PCSed (5 PCS in 8 years) and it always went into my HHG shipment. While I was not Infantry, there was never an instance where I needed ALL of my TA-50 upon arrival at my new duty station. Even at Fort Bragg, newly arrived Soldiers will spend a minimum of a week at the Indoc Center, inprocessing and such. No one that I know of, or have heard of, arrives from a PCS straight into a deployment. Most smart Soldiers get their 10 days PTDY upon arrival at their new duty station.
Let's not put unrealistic expectations on junior Soldiers. Be a leader, not a "boss."
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG(P) (Join to see) - un realistic expectations - are you serious?? I know of Soldiers deploying before their household goods arrived on station. It is NOT beyond expectation for a Soldier to arrive ready to go. Just like it is not unrealistic for them to arrive being able to pass a APFT. This is their job, TA-50 is part of their job, bring it with you. I can absolutely bet my house that he is bringing a shit ton of non essentials. Nearly everything you recieve TA-50 wise fits into an "A" bag and "B" bag - Do not tell me it can't be done, or it's a hassle - because I will raise that bullshit flag high.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG Robert Perrotto - if it were Army Policy for you to hand carry it would state as such on your orders, similar to your APFT requirement. I can absolutely guarantee you that if i were to hand carry my ta 50 it would exceed not only the number of bags but the weight as well. But you do you.
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