Posted on Jul 1, 2020
Can one do SMP while also being a contracted ROTC Cadet?
I am wondering about this since I will be an MS1 next year and am interested in doing SMP as well.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
If you want to take full advantage of the SMP Program, enlist in the Guard or Reserve, go to Basic and AIT and get a MOS. That will do a number of things for you. First, you will qualify for GI Bill, most States offer some kind of tuition assistance for their Guard members, you get paid to drill and it allows you to skip the first two years of ROTC and join as Junior. At that point you join the SMP program. Then you get paid to drill as an E5 and you will have a lot more real military experience than your fellow cadets. Then on the completely mercenary side of things, you will commission as an O1 with 4 years time in Service, which makes a significant difference in pay. If your desire is Active Duty after you commission, don't take a GRFD (Guaranteed Reserve Force Duty) Scholarship and compete with the rest of your class.
I am a former Reserve and contractor cadre with college ROTC. SMP technically required one to already be contracted. You should talk to recruiting officer at your desired school along with National Guard recruiter. While there are numerous SMP cadets in college Army ROTC, there are certain requirements for both elements.
You can do SMP, but not if you are a Schilarship Cadet. You must be contracted as a Cadet, and also be accepted and sign a contract to our you into the USAR or NG as a Cadet. If you don’t complete your ROTC you will revert back to a soldier in the COMPO you choose to serve in as an SMP and will usually have a six to eight year commitment as a Soldier. Only question is, can you go active duty if SMP, that I am not sure about. I believe if you SMP you are accepting that you will be in that COMPO when you graduate. Your ROO, HRA or Cadre can set you on the path to Victory
LTC (Join to see)
Cadet PVT (Join to see)
That would be correct. But there are some options to work. You can volunteer to serve at a unit as a Cadet (as long as it doesn’t hurt Academic and ROTC pursuits), request exception to policy to get an SMP option from PMS and or find a mentor (1LT/CPT) at a unit to right seat with and be mentored by.
That would be correct. But there are some options to work. You can volunteer to serve at a unit as a Cadet (as long as it doesn’t hurt Academic and ROTC pursuits), request exception to policy to get an SMP option from PMS and or find a mentor (1LT/CPT) at a unit to right seat with and be mentored by.
1LT (Join to see)
Sir, it is possible to access on to Active duty as a SMP cadet. I didn’t take the GRFD and, in the case of the GAANG, those who were selected to active service were released.
CPT Lawrence Cable
Sir, SMP has no effect on the ability to go Active on Commissioning as long as the Cadet does not sign up for a GRFD Scholarship. They just end up competing with the rest of the class.
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