Posted on Jun 23, 2020
Lenny Pentecost
Wife is done with boot but stuck there due to covid
I didn’t think this way for 6 weeks and now all I have on my mind is her cheating on me and leaving. I am the male spous me with 2 children and I can’t seem to get this out of my head to the point I might as well just believe it is gonna happen. Has anyone felt this way? Did you get over it once you seen them?

Housing also has be stressing out as I can’t do anything with not having a way to call her. She’s got hard orders and I’m on her deers etc but I can’t do anything period which only gives her 5 days to come home help load up stuff and drive there and unload and report. Which stresses me out.
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Responses: 9
SGM Bill Frazer
Freaking over nothing. If you trusted her before the service, then why doubt now?Good grief, was on deployment for a year, spent 279 days in year in the field, never any qualms. You either trust each other, or divorce, service is hard enough w/o losing spousal support. And no as her dependent, there is damn little you can do, except pack up and be ready. Welcome to our world.
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SSG 12 B Instructor
Lenny, breath brother, you are overthinking this. I have done some long stints away from home and they are always hard. But after reading your comments to the other post, it would appear you are putting this on yourself. Use the programs the Army has for military spouses, reach out and talk to someone you trust. The military is going to force you and your wife to spend time away from each other as the years go on, it is part of the job. The best thing my wife and I ever did was talk about it and have solid plans in place each time I had to leave. I would encourage you to write to her, but instead of focusing on the worry, focus on all the positive things going on in your life. Things will settle down and you will see that you are overthinking this whole thing. Breath and repeat my friend.
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MAJ Intell Officer
Is there temptation, possibly. But if you had a strong marriage before she left and she has never cheated before, then you shouldn't be worried. You're only hurting yourself and your marriage by thinking the worse. Added undue stress over worrying about cheating is not helping anyone.
As to moving, if you have hard orders, either one of you should be able to get ahold of the base housing to get put on the list for a home. The military will take care of the packing and moving - less stress for you.
Lenny Pentecost
Lenny Pentecost
>1 y
That’s what helped me haha I packed everything and plan to do a dity and that kept my mind busy now I have nothing to pack but a few things we need need daily until she’s done at a school which is very short. Sorry I kinda get what opsec is so I just say nothing so I don’t mess up her career. But it’s short. I was told I need a les a page 2 whatever that is and hard orders which she got in training due to the schooling being short . So i can call and get on a list? I was told no only she could
MAJ Intell Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Lenny Pentecost Each base is little different with their housing policies. Doesn’t hurt to call and ask. Right now a lot of the process is through email. She should be able to email you an LES, if required. You may also need the DD1172.
Lodging/hotel will be provided for up to 10 days upon arrival, which will give you and the base time to find a home.
Be sure you read all the rules for doing a self move.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Very true ma'am
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