Posted on Jun 17, 2020
SSG Combat Engineer
I had a senior leader tell me not to long ago I shouldn’t drive home in uniform as it’s unprofessional. What are other thoughts on this? I have not had a chance to talk to him about why yet and was just curious. I respect this leader and trust him but am just curious.
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Responses: 31
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
I don't think it's an "unprofessional" issue as much as it is a OPSEC or security issue. Being out in public in uniform makes you a more likely potential target. I would wear my uniform if I were going directly from the base to home. If I had other errands (other than a quick stop for fuel), I always changed into civilian attire prior to departing the base.

As CPT (Join to see) stated, just because someone SAYS a thing is unprofessional, doesn't make it so. Know your applicable AR's and local policies.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
My uniform saved me tickets. I find nothing unprofessional about showing civilians there are people serving in the military. In fact I feel the opposite. I am not going to act like a second class citizen, I would wear my uniform proudly. If I wear that uniform in Iraq or Afghanistan, I will wear it with pride in this country.
Sgt Ed Allen
Sgt Ed Allen
4 y
Standard procedure for Marines "swooping" home on long weekends was to place your dress blue cover in the rear window. Many of the state troopers on the east coast were former military and would turn a blind eye to a Marine doing 65 or 70 in the 55. While it didn't save me a ticket, it did save me a night in jail when I was slowing down from doing 95 on I95 and was caught at 87 in the 55. When I showed him orders from MCAS Cherry Pt NC to Quantico VA with a time stamp of 1200 and a report time of 1600, he wrote it for 70 with the admonishment to keep it down until I was out of NC or I wouldn't make it out of NC.

Sure enough, about 5 miles further up I95, NC State Troopers were pulling people over on the North and South bound freeway with trooper just waiting for the next person in the trees in the 100 yard wide median.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
Sgt Ed Allen - When I use to speed. I would follow a speeding car from a distance. I would use that car like a scout. When I was pulled over and asked if I knew I was speeding, I always said yes, and they gave me a warning.
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CPT Fccme
I will say that a LOT of things have been labeled "unprofessional" in the last 10-15 years. It seems like half the Army mid level leaders are clutching their pearls.
I won't say do not listen to your leadership, however as you grow in experience and rank take into consideration that just because someone says something is unprofessional, it doesn't mean it actually is. Instead, consider what actually brings discredit to the uniform.
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