How many times as a young soldier were you told to take your hands out of you pockets ? According to AR 670-1, It states something to the affect : Nothing is to be PROTRUDING from the pockets to include HANDS. (except you can have pens with the ACU) If you hand(s) are in the pocket(s) how are they protruding ?....Who writes these regs ?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 13
About everyday... I have to flaws... hands in pockets and reading glasses on my head... The CSM in my last Brigade would just come up and stop and stare at me... which after a few seconds made me realize I either had my hands in my pockets, or my glasses on top of my head... or both...
LTC (Join to see)
glasses get me all the time. I need them for distance but I can't read a computer monitor with them on, so I take them off and hang them in the top of my collar. Used to drive our OPS SGM nuts when I was an LT.
COL (Join to see)
Yea, the glasses things difficult for me. I see so many people with them on their heads. I have stopped letting it bother me cause I justify it as a medical condition. If you don't put them on your head you are probably losing them.
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