Posted on Apr 18, 2015
SGT Global Service Manager
Uss merrill dd 976 retouched
27 years ago today, I was honored to participate in Operation Praying Mantis while serving on board the USS Merrill. Under CINC Ronald Reagan, the US Navy showed Iran that the United States is not to be messed with.

Iran had been mining the international waters of the Persian Gulf. One of our ships, the USS Samuel B. Roberts struck one of those mines while escorting tankers in and out of the Gulf. Due in part to Condition Zebra being set throughout the ship and the quick action taken by the ships company, the ship was able to be saved, without loss of life.

Four days later...the rest of our Battle Group made Iran pay.

Today, we are on the verge of allowing Iran to continue its quest to become nuclear threat to an already unstable region. Regardless of their stated intentions, nothing good can come of any negotiations where the end result allows Iran to have nuclear weapons capabilities.

Nevertheless, under proper leadership and training, the US Navy can do again what it did 27 years ago. To the rest of my fellow OS's, I have the bubble.
Posted in these groups: Navy Navy
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Responses: 6
CDR Mike Kovack
27 years ago we punished Iran for it's direct actions......mining an area which resulted in damage to a US vessel of war. It really didn't effect the big picture, but it did show we would react to direct aggression. There are not many "big lessons" to be learned from Preying Mantis......but it sure felt good! *L*

I was on the Lynde McCormick trailing behind the Merrill on that day 27 years ago in the vicinity of the Sassan oil platform.....;)
PO1 Tony B.
PO1 Tony B.
>1 y
I was JA Phone Talker in CIC aboard Lynde Mccormick that day. Our training paid off and the BG executed our stated mission well. Pleasure serving with you that day, CDR Kovack.
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PO2 Mike Tilley
Yes, I remember it well! I was a crew member of the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts on the day of the mine blast incident.
CDR Mike Kovack
CDR Mike Kovack
>1 y
We were on our way to Australia for a liberty port when you all hit the mine. They called us back into the Gulf for Preying Mantis. I remember watching you guys steam past us, way down in the waterline as you were heading out. Great work by you guys to save the ship!
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CDR Mike Kovack
Sassan Oil platform after shelling by USS Merrill and USS Lynde McCormick.
CAPT Senior Principal Policy Analyst
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This was my first combat mission. A very exciting day, including when President Reagan called the USS ENTERPRISE and told our admiral "enough." We were ready to go all the way to Tehran that day if necessary.
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