Posted on Apr 16, 2015
PO2 Mark Saffell
I was watching a great video of The Silent Drill Team. I was on the Drill Team during Navy Boot Camp and remember just how much hard work it was and we didn't hold a candle to these guys. My question is. Who has ever had the chance to watch these guys perform? For those who have not. You should! If you can't then I encourage you to view videos of these guys and join me in respect for just how hard work it is to do this.
Posted in these groups: Colors Drill and Ceremony
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Responses: 5
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Edited 10 y ago
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I go to see the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon every chance I get ...
TSgt John Marshall
The Silent Drill PLATOON is one of five service exhibition drill teams. They do an outstadning job of ceremonial exhibition drill as do the others. IN 2011, wen I was a judge for the last Joint Service Drill Competition, it is now an exhibition only, no "winner", I placed them third behind the Army and then the USAF. However, the other judges scores the USAF above the rest. FYI: the first competition saw the SDP win.

The reason for now more competitions is the fact that the Coast Guard's team would never be able to win. They do a fine job in their performance, but can never put in the time and effort that the other teams do because there is only a small handful of Coasties on the honor guard. They all are certified, eventually, in all ceremonial elements and those who are on the drill team put in those extra few hours for the routine. Their routine is nothing near the complexity of the Old Guard's or USAF's due to the limited time they have. This then eliminates then from ever moving up beyond "last" place.

As an adjudicator for over 20 years, I completely agree with taking away the formal competition aspect and just having each team perform. The Joint Service Drill Exhibition is each Spring during the Cherry Blossom Festival; all of the honor guard units form up, march in the parade and then the drill teams perform in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
I was a member of the USMC Silent Drill Platoon for the 2002 & 2003 Parade Seasons. Reported in Oct 2001 and became an official member of the Platoon at the end of February 2002 when the Battle Color Detachment started the 2002 West Coast Tour. PCS'd to 2MARDIV in Dec 2003. It was an amazing experience for sure.
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