Posted on Feb 17, 2014
Does anyone have questions or comments concerning Canine Assisted Therapy for Veterans?
There is a distinct difference in owning a Service Dog, and participating in Canine Assisted Therapy with a Therapy Dog. If you look to own a Service Dog, there is a lot you should know. My expertise comes in therapy work with canines. If this is something you have been wondering about, or have any comments to add, this would be a great section to do so.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 4
I fully support this program and have witnessed it work for Soldiers in previous units, it is a great program.
One of the NCOs (career status type) in my unit was "issued" one as "canine therapy", I had no clue this was the case but this NCO seemed to be on the edge and often times seemed as if he didn't really care about his career so I got him outside the environment and just talked to him. He had left his canine back in the USA because he wouldn't be authorized government quarters....I encouraged him to complete an exception to policy - since the animal is part of his treatment plan, he is authorized to have it and is bringing it back with him right now.
I believe this is a great program and can help reduce the stress related to combat operations and other traumatic events, I fully support this program and have seen it work miracles in the past.
One of the NCOs (career status type) in my unit was "issued" one as "canine therapy", I had no clue this was the case but this NCO seemed to be on the edge and often times seemed as if he didn't really care about his career so I got him outside the environment and just talked to him. He had left his canine back in the USA because he wouldn't be authorized government quarters....I encouraged him to complete an exception to policy - since the animal is part of his treatment plan, he is authorized to have it and is bringing it back with him right now.
I believe this is a great program and can help reduce the stress related to combat operations and other traumatic events, I fully support this program and have seen it work miracles in the past.
I know first hand what service dogs can do for a service member. In most cases it can be the difference between life or death. We just do not do enough for this program. Here is Bravo my guide dog but he has also help drop my blood pressure and he wakes me up when the nightmares start. I will never be without a service dog again.
I guess my 1st question is how do I go about applying or qualifying for either?
Cpl Lyndon Villone
Well, to apply for a Service Dog, you have to have a doctors note (usually from your primary care physician at the VA) saying you would rate one. A service dog provides three tasks for a specific disability. A Therapy Dog on the other hand is a dog that passes tests along the same line as a Service Dog, but not so specific. Therapy dogs have the same type of temperaments, but are capable of showing love to everyone they contact. It is a much more less extensive process to have a dog registered as a Therapy Dog, but they are not considered to be the same. ex: You can't bring them in public places where Service / Assistance Dogs can go. If you qualify for a service dog, there a lot of organizations out there now training Service Dogs for Vets. But making sure you are ready for one (even though you may rate it) is another thing people often look over. I have more info if you have more questions.
SPC Sven Pacot
K9's for Warriors is the only service dog agency I found for vets that isn't backed up with at least a year wait list.
April Ranshaw
Cpl Lyndon Villone HI, I am so glad I came across your post because I was just looking into how to go about helping my husband find a program that could help him get a service /assistance dog, we are both major dog lovers as well, if you get my comment I'd be more then happy to further explain his situation and need for a service dog. Thank you.
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