Posted on Apr 12, 2015
Why do you feel that your religion is appropriate in the military ?
I have read so many posts on RallyPoint with different people giving their 2 cents about how they feel is "right" when it comes to religion in the military.
So what makes you right and another person wrong?
So what makes you right and another person wrong?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 13
Individuals come into the military with some 18 years of enculturation. This brings with it all degrees and forms of religiosity. So to say that my religion is the "right" one for the military I would argue that to be a misnomer. I think to often "freedom of religion" forces us down the road of not wanting to offend or alienate. The truth is that religions are different and instead of embracing these differences we fear them thus causing all sorts of problems because we choose to focus on the differences instead of the common ground. To often we latch on to religious institutional constructs and allow that to over shadow the end results that we are all looking to achieve. This goes beyond religious ideologies and is further complicated by political and other cultural differences. I wouldn't say there is a right or a wrong religion for the military as that would only perpetuate the indifference in regards to religions. My religion works for me yet for my atheist friends, Jewish friends and all my other friends of different faiths their ideologies on religion works for them as well. I think if we focus more on caring about each other than casting out we will be in a much better place. However that is much easier said than done.
Your question is a good one! As far as I've seen, some people are just intolerant of others religion. No way can anybody else be right, have an opinion, etc.
It's human nature to feel self righteous to include what religion you choose.
It's human nature to feel self righteous to include what religion you choose.
MY RELIGION IS RIGHT! Right for ME. I practice the religion I feel is best for me. Does that mean you have the same religious views I do? No, not necessarily.
The my religion is better than yours argument has been around for centuries, literally. I mean, wars have been fought over it, and the strongest, most violent "grudges" are still going strong because of that argument.
Yeah, in most religions, part of the being a good [Christian, Jew, Hindu, Islam] is to spread the religion, but I think that needs to be a bit more tempered these days. So, I say, allow everyone to practice the religion that fits them. If someone leans towards the same religious beliefs, invite that person to join your religion celebrations. In no way should anyone have a religion, or lack of religion be force on them.
I realize this can be difficult in the military, especially on a deployed ship. But we, as a military community, should be able to work out a reasonable solution. We are already one of the most diverse working environments. We should be used to it by now.
The my religion is better than yours argument has been around for centuries, literally. I mean, wars have been fought over it, and the strongest, most violent "grudges" are still going strong because of that argument.
Yeah, in most religions, part of the being a good [Christian, Jew, Hindu, Islam] is to spread the religion, but I think that needs to be a bit more tempered these days. So, I say, allow everyone to practice the religion that fits them. If someone leans towards the same religious beliefs, invite that person to join your religion celebrations. In no way should anyone have a religion, or lack of religion be force on them.
I realize this can be difficult in the military, especially on a deployed ship. But we, as a military community, should be able to work out a reasonable solution. We are already one of the most diverse working environments. We should be used to it by now.
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