So I’ve been wanting to reclass to 15W for a while now but I’m already a SGT and I know that unless I have a grade waiver it’s not happening right now. Now that the GE has been moved to its own mos is there any restrictions preventing SGT’s from reclass if to 15C?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
I just tried reclassing to 15C and retention told me school starts are two years out and I ETS next November. Sucks cuz im in my primary zone so my leadership is pushing for P Status and ALC. Army has been giving me the big green weenie since I got in.
SGT (Join to see)
Speaking of green weenie.. I go to AIT for my 15W reclass at the end of the month with a grade waiver and I am going to my E6 board the day before I go TDY
I just spoke with my retention sergeant regarding the same issue. I'm a specialist up for promotion, but if I do I will lose my school seat that's been reserved for awhile now.
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