Posted on Apr 10, 2020
SPC Motor Transport Operator
Good soldiers have it worst than POS soldiers. I feel like good soldiers get driven so hard to the point they burn out then don't re enlist. The POS soldiers just kick back with FTR and council statements for 20yrs
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
I've reenlisted probably over a thousand Soldiers by now and I would very much disagree with that statement. Young Soldiers like yourself are very emotionally driven. If you ask a group of first term Soldiers if they plan to reenlist, they'll all tell you no. But 80-90% of them who are eligible to reenlist, will.
On one day, they will walk in and swear they're never going to reenlist. A few days later, their buddies will tell them about this magical place - Campbell, Bragg, Europe, USASOC - where everything is better and they get to deploy, and they'll reenlist for it. Then two weeks later they'll have a bad day and ask if they can get out of their contract. A month after that, they can't wait to leave. After getting to their new duty station they realized how much they miss the last one.
It's all just a bunch of emotions until you start treating it like a career instead of a life adventure.

As for getting driven so hard, the ones who work are the ones who get promoted. Bare minimum you have to make E6 to stay in long enough to retire. But you're an 88M, you can realistically retire as an E8 in 20 years. Those Soldiers who do the minimum, get the minimum. Those who work hard get the choice assignments that get them promoted. They get selected for schools that translate into post-retirement certifications like Project Management, Lean Six Sigma, and others.

Spend less time worrying about others and focus on your own growth and you will be happier.
SGT Robert Wager
SGT Robert Wager
5 y
I agree with 99% of what you said. The old saying is the best unit is the one you are going to or the one that you just left.

I will also say that the nature of the beast in any leadership position civilian or military is that leaders tend to take the path of least resistance. We tend to rely more heavily on the person that will get the job done right the first time and with the least amount of friction.

This gives the appearance of one person doing more “work” than the other guy that gripes about everything and half asses what they actually get done.

The fine line that a leader must walk is rewarding his “go to” guys who get the job done and either mentoring the marginal to perform or ensuring they are the ones that ETS not the good ones.
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CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
Absolutely. It's a major problem. That's why we have other opportunities that only quality Soldiers qualify for. CMFs 18/37/38, 160th, 75th RR, SMUs, Attache, WHCA, WHTA, JCU, OSW, JSOC. (list does NOT include SFAB)
Drop packet, leave conventional where shammers sham and quality is run down.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
5 y
CPT Michael Barden I didnt say that. I said the scammers get away with a lot more and the quality ones are run down due to picking up the slack. Please don't read into things a la 9th grade English assignments.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
5 y
CPT Michael Barden again, it didn't say theres no quality in conventional, in either OP or my post. Just that the shammers are allowed to sham, and the quality gets overused.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
5 y
CPT Michael Barden well it's a force of about 450000 people, there's always exceptions to the rule. It's just Soldiers need to meet the minimum qualifications for those opportunities which weeds out most of the non quality Soldiers. Hence the application and Selection processes.
But yes, some do get through the cracks and there are plenty of quality in conventional force. In the lower ranks typically the unit presses those that care and just ignores those that dont.
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Lt Col Jim Coe
My experience in the public and private sectors say people do not leave companies (organizations), they leave managers (NCOs and Officers). Everybody in a supervisory or leadership position is mutually responsible when a Soldier decides not to re-enlist. In some cases it's a good thing. You don't want the POS Soldiers re-enlisting. You do want the hardworking, dedicated, honest Soldiers to re-enlist and get promoted. I wholeheartedly encourage leaders to set standards for excellence and hold their Soldiers and Civilians accountable for meeting those standards. Those who violate directives must be rehabilitated if possible, but "chaptered" if not. Disciplinary actions, including USMJ Article 15, can be part of rehabilitating a Soldier or part of getting them out of the Service. In addition, publicly praise and award the Soldiers who positively exceed standards.
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
5 y
Absolutely spot on Sir. I will agree with this young man, that at times it does seem like leaders within the Army try to push good Soldiers out. Either out of jealousy, personality conflicts, or simply being petty. You have to challenge your belief in your abilities and the reason you serve. It’s why getting promoted is important, it helps you make an impact on more people in an officials capacity. Aside from informal leadership.
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