Posted on Apr 6, 2015
CW4 Larry Curtis
COMPLETELY DISRESPECTFUL! This was in my Facebook feed this evening and I thought it appropriate to have a discussion about it here since something like this is very near and dear to us as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines.

Upon their arrival at the gate, the Captain of a flight from CLT to PHL requested that all passengers remain seated to allow a family traveling with their deceased soldier to deplane first. Out of respect, everyone on the plane remained seated in silence while a woman and her children, all of them in tears, deplaned... that is everyone EXCEPT for this guy. FOUR TIMES he was asked to sit and he ignored the requests.

And THIS is the dichotomy with which we live as servicemembers. We, mostly out of great love for our nation and our way of life, give of ourselves for our fellow countrymen by handing Uncle Sam a blank check with our signatures on it for an amount up to and including our own lives (so many of us having paid in full), to protect and defend our constitution which gives even people like this guy the right to be a complete dipstick. As far as I'm concerned, this person would not be worth the trouble anyone would find themselves in for leaving him in a snotty, bloody heap, but sometimes you just wish there were a couple of Marines on hand to accomplish such a mission. No disrespect implied toward the Marines, I love them, but they are just the first to come to mind in this scenario because whenever death smiles at them, they usually smile right back at it. SEMPER FI!

So what do we do with people like this? I think maybe the best thing we can do is to pitch-in to the effort to make this man's picture go viral as much as possible and try to shame him. Maybe that's childish and irresponsible, and it is probably quite likely that he would be too ignorant to understand that he is being shamed, but maybe it would also make me feel just a whole lot better because this guy is of a particular ilk and is certainly not one of a kind.

Sorry for the rant, folks...but this makes my hockey hotter than Hades.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 11
CPT Zachary Brooks
Edited 10 y ago
The guy is a dick, but he is within he rights to do this. I'd shun him and avoid speaking to him or being near him. I would also offer comfort and assistance to the family if it appeared they needed it.
CW4 Larry Curtis
CW4 Larry Curtis
10 y
You bet I would too. I have a lot of empathy for those who have suffered such a tremendous loss...almost as if they are my own blood relatives. Such behavior is so completely uncalled for.
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SFC Mark Merino
I bet if someone snopes this, they will find it is one of many chain emails used to start arguments. I've read this same story with about 4 different pictures on it......... Just in case, the writing on the meme says it all.
CW4 Larry Curtis
CW4 Larry Curtis
10 y
SFC Mark Merino Thanks for the bucket of cold water. LOLOL. You ARE right though...there ARE whackos out there who seem to thrive on making junk like this up in some twisted effort to stir the pot and sit back and watch what ensues as a result. Perhaps I was remiss in not checking this for myself, but I do not put a lot of stock in much of what Snopes has to say anymore because I have found that they are not necessarily as objective as they would have us all believe.
SGT Parachute Rigger
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I am too despondent to respond to this .  If this happened it is so wrong of a person to do this .   If they wrote a story just to do this it is just as wrong  as the person they made up doing this !
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TSgt Jackie Jones
You can't fix stupid.
But I believe in karma. It WILL catch up.
Col Squadron Commander
Col (Join to see)
10 y
Well put!!
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