Posted on Apr 8, 2020
A1C Johnny Le
I walked to class asking another cadet (Tutor for help). An upperclassman spoke up and in a disrespectful tone, and said NO ******* CARES, ****. I asked who he was talking too? He responded you ****** retard. I was trying to have a discussion with my another classmate, and was being disrespected by an upperclassman, who was on the losing end of the conversation point to his friends and said him, him and her want you to shut the **** up. He is a GMC200, soon to be POC. I seen this person around pulling his C/Corporal rank and abusing his authority hiding behind a cadet rank, and was trying to degrade me because I was prior enlisted? Then his friends made a comment about enlisted people were to dumb to attend college? What should I do, I really don't like this person, since it my first contact with him since the school year, and we are both students pursing a commission, and with his mentality I wouldn't not want him to lead men and women?
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Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 27
TSgt David Holman
That is actually more of a reflection of the personal integrity of that person, and less a reflection of cadets in general. I would point out that there are several (and by several, I mean in the thousands if not more) enlisted personnel who not only have bachelors, there are many who have masters degrees. Not only that, but going to college isn't necessarily a measure of intelligence. There are very ignorant people who attend college, and there are very brilliant people who take jobs doing what they love that doesn't necessarily require a degree.
As for the rank issue, take the high road, show your peers that you are better than a rank, show that you are able to respect the rank despite the person, and press on.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
5 y
Well said.
SGT Jason Yago
SGT Jason Yago
>1 y
well put
MAJ Aviation Combined Arms Operations
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Respect is earned. The person initially described more than likely will never be respected. He (she) seems to be power hungry. Good leaders do not need stripes or bars on their uniforms. If you want to know the most respected or powerful person at a party just look at the corners of the room. The person holding "court" will most likely be the person all the troops will follow and will have a many people around them to listen to what they have to say. This works in the military and civilian world alike.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
Cadets are cadets and you are all equal. Prior service comes into play with your inherent discipline, foundation with military policies, procedures, uniform policy, level of fitness, and respect shown. Use all of this in ensuring you are performing with dignity and respect. Speak directly to this individual, junior cadet to upper class an, respect his role, if he does not get it then you follow the COC as you did while enlisted. That should end the problem.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
Cadets are so often in a dick measuring contest and if I was their PMS and this got to me, I would tell them to grow the fuck up or get out of my program.
SFC Michael W.
SFC Michael W.
>1 y
It's definitely another "sword fight"...
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1LT Kevin Chapman
Lol you’re a lot better than I am. I would have likely went off on said Cadet. Seriously, try pulling that individual aside and have a heart to heart conversation and let him know his attitude was out of line. If that doesn’t change things talk to your cadre about the situation.
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