Posted on Apr 3, 2015
PFC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
I Have Been Wondering This Question For Quite Some Time And I Stumbled Across This Site Through My Platoon Sgt & I Would Like To know The Answer. Only Professional Answers Only
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Responses: 13
1SG First Sergeant
Short answer yes.

Longer answer is of course they can. you are in a career where your personal life has a direct affect on your proffessional life. If you got injuried at home on your personal time would you want the Army to provide you medical care? If you were having an issue with emergengy and needed some funds would you want the Army to help with and AER loan or a pay advance? This may not apply directly to you but alot of Soldiers want the Army to bend over backwards and provide them everyhting they can but then they want the Army to leave them alone when they don't need anything from them. it doesn't wark that way. We are Soldiers 24/7 and the Army provides for us 24/7.
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1SG Steven Stankovich
Edited >1 y ago
PFC (Join to see), your Leaders should absolutely be involved with your personal life. That is the only way that they can ensure that they are doing all that they can to provide for you both professionally and personally. With that being said, does that mean that they are "in your business every waking moment of your day?" Absolutely not. One of the pillars of leadership is to "know your Soldiers." The only way to do that is to sit your Soldiers down, talk to them, ask them how they are, ask them about their families, their concerns, their goals, and to counsel them on how to better themselves in a holistic way.

I remember as a young Enlisted Soldier, my Squad Leader and Section Sergeant knew everything about me. They knew where I was from, that I had a girlfriend, my financial situation, my goals, and looking back, probably knew me better than I knew myself. That insight into my life provided them the tools to help me in ways that I did not realize that I needed help. That was 20-some years ago. They did a pretty good job.
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SSG Information Technology Specialist
Glad you found the site. Yes...Your leaders can...I would stress to you if they are not in your personal life there is a problem. Your leader should know everything about you.

Now if they found stuff that got you in trouble...then you should have squared that stuff away...We try to save you from yourself...If that makes since.

And remember when you don't have a leader that is in your personal sh*t all the are going to feel like you are missing something.
...We care...<<<---That is why
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Roger sir. it was not clearly stated though. My experience tells me he is fishing for an answer. However I hope he has the wisdom to understand all the good advice he can get here from senior leadership, and that if he has further questions, to keep asking them.
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
He stated that the PLT SGT said yes but that he didn't believe him. Typical E2
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
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As far as I'm concerned Obama was attacked not because of his flipping color but because he was a community organizer who was not qualified to be POTUS. And he has proven that to be fact! Those that argue that it's about his color are the flipping problem
SSG Information Technology Specialist
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Go forth E-2 and multiply
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