Posted on Mar 22, 2020
SGT Rifleman
I’m a prior service Marine Reservist, going AD Army. I signed a 11X contract and per MEPS liaison in order to do infantry I had to go back to BCT which I’m fine with and I believe it gives me the opportunity to learn the Army way of life. I’m excited but wanted to know, when I would be issued uniforms? What week in BCT would I start training? What to expect as a prior service? Of course I’ll be leaving my ego at the door and expect nothing other than trying my best. Thank you!
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Responses: 10
SFC Student
You should be issued uniforms within 72 hours of arrival at BCT. Not sure on the other specifics, but if they need you to do Infantry OSUT, be mentally prepared to do it from the start (22 weeks long now if I recall correctly).

Good luck- all of the prior service Marines I've worked with in the Army thus far have proven themselves well.
SGT Rifleman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you SSgt! I will for sure head your advice. Per orders, if I were to start from the beginning, my projected graduation date is 9/11. Quite humbling, but myself and the wife are prepared for either outcomes.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
SGT (Join to see) - Even if they drop you in after the "BCT", it only cuts out about 6 weeks of the now 22 week OSUT. You will get your uniforms at Reception, which I understand is now at Ft. Benning now also (it was at Ft. Jackson when I enlisted a long time ago). Even then, learning the basics for being a grunt was a challenge in the 14+ weeks and it was a need change with all of the extra stuff in the system today. Good luck. Physically and mentally I think you will find the first 6 weeks compares to Marine Recruit Training, the rest is learning the trade.
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SGT Soldier
Did the Army put you in as an E-4 or E-5? It’ll make a world of difference for basic. If you’re a SPC, you’ll likely just be mixed in with the others. If you’re a SGT, you’ll still go through basic but you’ll be in spectator mode most of the time. My platoon had an Air Force E-6 and a marine E-4 when I went through BCT, and that was my experience.
1SG Charles Hunter
1SG Charles Hunter
5 y
Both of you might benefit from a review of other services' ranks. I truly doubt that any service would give a two step jump to a reserve E3.
SGT Rifleman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Yes. 1st Sgt. I’ll be continuing as a E-3. And was told a possible promotion to E4 upon completion of AIT.
SGT Soldier
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see)
Just expect to be on the same footing with everyone else. There’ll undoubtedly be some 18 year old who’s never done his laundry that’s in charge of you at some point. And yes, he’ll think he’s more qualified. Army BCT is more than just a physical test
SGT Rifleman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Roger Sgt. Thank you.
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SGT Information Technology Specialist
Hey brother I actually got a question for you instead. How long is it going to take for you to ship out ? I'm going next week to get my new contract as 11X as a Prior Service as well.
SGT Rifleman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
I’m sorry I just saw this. Have you shipped yet? I was going to ship within a month but due to covid. It was extended.
SGT Information Technology Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see) unfortunately not man. I couldn't go 11X because my vision. So I picked 13F instead. I leave first week of June
SGT Rifleman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
I wish you the best of luck! SGT (Join to see)
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