Posted on Apr 2, 2015
CW3 Craig Linghor
When my father passes away, I would like to participate in the honor guard ceremony. When is it authorized for retirees to wear their uniform?
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Responses: 4
MAJ Security Cooperation Planner
I wear mine correctly for funerals and holidays. But I stretched the reg a little for the Air Force Ball here.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Going to give a link to AR 670-1. Go to page 46 of the regulation for all the answers you may need.

Here's what is indicated in Chapter 23 of the regulation:

23–3. Retired personnel
a. Personnel who will be advanced to a higher grade upon retirement have the option of wearing the insignia of that
grade thereafter.
b. Retired personnel on active duty will wear their uniform and insignia in the same manner as prescribed for
personnel in the AA of corresponding grade and branch.
c. Retired personnel not on active duty may wear either the uniform reflecting their grade and branch on the date of
their retirement, or the uniform prescribed for personnel in the AA of corresponding grade and branch, when
appropriate, but may not mix the two uniforms. Personnel will wear the grade as shown on the retired grade of rank
line on their retirement order.
d. Retired personnel not on active duty are not authorized to wear the Army uniform when they are instructors or
responsible for military discipline at an educational institution, unless the educational institution is conducting courses
of instruction approved by the Armed Forces.
e. In addition to the occasions for wear listed above, retired personnel are authorized to wear the uniform only on
the following occasions:
(1) While attending military funerals, memorial services, weddings, inaugurals, and other occasions of ceremony.
(2) Attending parades on national or State holidays, or other patriotic parades or ceremonies in which any active or
reserve U.S. military unit is taking part. Uniforms for these occasions are restricted to service and dress uniforms; the
combat uniform and physical fitness uniforms will not be worn. Wearing the Army uniform at any other time, or for
any other purpose than stated above, is prohibited.
CW3 Craig Linghor
CW3 Craig Linghor
10 y
Thanks CSM!
SGT Lee Jamison
SGT Lee Jamison
7 y
DA PAM 670-1 also gives further guidance for retirees and the wear of the dress uniform.
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LTC David S. Chang, ChFC®, CLU®
CW3 Craig Linghor
CW3 Craig Linghor
10 y
Thanks MAJ Chang. That's what I thought but wanted to make sure I wasn't violating AR670-1. Cheers! BTW I live just down the road from you.
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